Roads of the Nameless

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I dreamt of dying in a lover's arms

Smiling of victory for

A life lived of wanting all the right things

And fearing all the true ones

So I whispered my dreams to the heavens

As I lay and watched, others lay and listened

 And they came to me with eyes blazing

of promises that tempted my hunger

and offered solace from the dark of imagination

I took the hand offered and followed

so eagerly, so hopefully, so desolately

The journey was long and I was not strong

The hand slipped from mine and I clasped at air

My legs quivered and my knees gave way

and as I fell I saw more of my kind

lying there defeated, fooled

They shifted and groaned but could not rise

I shifted and groaned but could not rise

And upon these roads of the nameless they stepped

on dreams for the sake of dreams

So with a dusty tired tongue

I called out to them so desparately

with their boots upon my spine

these roads go nowhere, you waste my pain

And they answered my call

There's nothing to tarry for

Close your ears to them

these liars, these story-tellers

the dreams that they whisper seem so sweet

they will clog your heart till it bursts of ache

Wait! Wait! Breathe! It'll all be over soon

Dream of dying in a lover's arms

And pray yourself fool enough to believe it so

Do not face their eyes

Do not whisper back

These liars, these story-tellers

Are all that will find you

for no one else is searching

Roads of the NamelessWhere stories live. Discover now