The King and Queen

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Draco took Aliah by the hand and quietly snuck around corners to the kitchen. Draco suddenly came to a hault at a door opening. "Draco what is it?" Aliah whispered.

"In through here is the sitting room and my parents are in there,"

"What do we do?"

"Stay here," Draco let go of Aliah and walked in the room

"Afternoon mother, Afternoon father,"

"You finally woke up did you?" she heard Lucius say

"Where's Aliah darling?" Narcissa said softly. He didn't have time to reply before she yelled, "Aliah come in already you don't need to be afraid," Aliah stepped into the room and went straight to Draco's side.

"How did you know she was there?" Draco asked

"You haven't left her side since she has been here," Narcissa smiled

"So why did you two wake up late?" Lucius smirked

"Lucius leave them alone. They probably had a... busier night than us," Narcissa winked

"MOTHER!" Draco went red with embarrassment. Lucius kept a stern face but Narcissa roared into laughter, "come on Aliah let's go," they left the room but could still hear the Queen laughing. They entered the kitchens and sat down. "Aliah I am so sorry for that. I must admit though I've never heard my mother laugh like that,"

"Its fine Draco," Aliah reached out for his hand

"Anyway what would you like to eat?"

"I don't know, cereal maybe?"

"Cereal? For the first meal of the year you decide to have cereal?"

"What do you suggest then your highness?" Aliah snarled

"I think I have an idea," Draco smirked. He turned around and within five minutes on the table there was: chocolate, rainbow and strawberry ice-cream, gummy bears, chocolate and caramel topping and other sugary ingredients.

"Ice- cream sundaes?" Aliah raised an eyebrow

"Whoever makes their's the yummiest wins," Draco smiled

"And the prize is?"

"A surprise,"

"You're on,"

"Five minutes. Ready, set, GO!" Draco called. After five minutes Draco and Aliah backed up from the table to look at their masterpieces. "Time to taste test," Draco rubbed his hands together. He passed Aliah a spoon and they tasted Draco's only chocolate sundae. After a spoon full of Draco's they had Aliah's all-out colour sundae.

"I win," Aliah cheered

"No way I win,"

"Yours was chocolate,"

"Chocolate beats all," Draco puffed up his chest. Aliah raised an eyebrow. She got a spoon of her rainbow ice- cream and flicked it at Draco's face.

"I win," Aliah said sternly

"Now Sweety, I don't think you have tasted mine properly," Draco walked over to his sundae

"Don't you dare,"

Draco flicked the ice- cream but Aliah ducked just in time.

"Oh that's it Blondie," both of them flicked ice-cream at one another and Aliah poured her rainbow sundae on his head. "You look pretty in pink," she laughed. She was too busy laughing that she didn't realise that Draco held his own sundae in his hands.

"oh no you don't," she backed away

"come here babe," Draco chased Aliah round the table and caught her. He poured his chocolate sundae all over head and wiped it all over her arms. He stood smiling as he watched his girlfriend shrieked over the brown liquid all over her body. He then kissed her passionately. He pulled back and bit his lip, "I agree you win,"

"shut up!" Aliah grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in for a kiss but were interrupted by a cough at the door.

"What is the meaning of this?" Lucius said with Narcissa beside him.

"well you see..." Draco started but was cut off by Aliah

"It was my fault your Majesty. I am sorry, I'll clean it,"

"Don't be silly Aliah," Narcissa said

"you both will clean this mess up," Lucius said as he turned and walked away.

"Don't mind him he has a lot on his plate at that moment," with a swish of her wand everything started to clean itself. "I suggest that you both go have a shower, separate ones..."

"MOTHER!" Draco bellowed

"Just kidding," Narcissa laughed, "well actually I'm serious," Draco rolled his eyes and pulled Aliah up the stairs.

"Actually I would like a word with Aliah," Narcissa stopped them. Draco looked at Aliah with concern.

"It's fine Draco, I'll see you in a bit," Aliah pushed him forward

"Your Majesty?" Aliah asked

"Please Aliah, it's Narcissa," she handed Aliah a towel for her face

"Thank you,"

"Anyway I wanted to talk to you about Draco. Something dark is coming and I need to know if will be there for him?"

"Your Maj... Narcissa I love Draco. He has done so much for me, more than he knows and there is no way I will be letting him go without a fight. If that fight leads to my last final breath than fine. I love him and will protect him,"

"Glad to hear that. I know for a fact he would do the same for you. You should have heard him speak about you in his letters and don't get me started on when he came home. Here read this. This was one of the first letters he sent to me," Narcissa handed Aliah the letter

"Dear Mother,

I think she is the one. I don't know I can't explain it. When I see her everything else is blacked out and it's only her. When we are together my heart stops, I don't know I can't explain it. All I know is that when some of the other Slytherins were talking about her behind her back I found myself hexing them. I like her mother, I really do.
I know she isn't a pure-blood or in Slytherin for the matter but I want her!
Please don't become angry at me.

Sincerely your son,


After reading the letter Aliah had tears in her eyes. "I feel the same way," she muttered. Aliah handed the letter back to Narcissa but she refused to take it.

"I have many saying the same thing. Keep it. Just don't let Draco know," she smirked.  

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