It truly was a bizarre day for the world. Mysterious creatures varying in shapes, sizes, and colors now roam the world under the span of a single night...No, more like a single hour. It's origin still untraced. The news for today speaks for their confusion, too.

'Pokemon: Real Life - Mysterious Creatures appeared overnight!'

The News anchors are arguing the validity of their own news whilst the cameramen are singing an out of tune Pokemon theme song. Although the feed of the Pokemon are shown live, they are still not sure if it's CGI or not. I'm pretty sure that Pikachu is trying to steal food or something.

I sigh as I turned off the TV, picking my bag off the empty chair beside me and took off to the door. It was Monday, but there's no classes today due to Gov's false prediction of heavy rainfall...Wait a sec...Have I introduced myself yet? I'm David Lykke, Grade 9 Student in Near West Highschool in Metrogate. I want nothing more than a peaceful, quiet life when I grow up.

Upon opening the door, I took a look around. There's nothing absurd so far. Only the peaceful nature sight in the distance, the road between it, and some roses blooming in our garden. Somehow, I got a troublesome feeling that something will come to me soon...As I said, troublesome. I put on my headphones as I began to turn to my left. Hearing some sort of scream about someone's apple tree, but I paid no attention to it.

As I walk around the block, I started to see several familiar creatures. A green caterpillar that's bigger than usual, and a spiky red one with a yellow horn...A Wurmple and a Caterpie? Not only that, I also saw some Pidgeys flying around as I got nearer to the old amphitheater.

"What in the world...?" I muttered as I sat down on one of it's ledges. Contemplating my life and all of reality. 'Is this a dream?' I would ask myself. But upon slapping my own face, I let out a grunt. Symbolizing that I am not dreaming. Has the world gone apeshit? I conteplated about it for a while as the soothing sounds of Vocaloid flooded my ears. I watched as some pokemon appeared in the grassy area of the amphitheater. Geodudes, Caterpies, Rattatas... It was quite entertaining. Maybe this wouldn't be bad after all...

Time flew by fairly quickly. It was already 1 pm after I finished writing something down. Mostly observations about this new creatures and some memos for a new chapter. I decided to walk around the amphitheater for a while. One round shouldn't hurt since it doesn't look like it'll rain. Soon enough, I heard some squealing...Some sparrows, I believe, coming from the distance. But it's rare to see sparrows in this country, so I decided to investigate.

In the more grassy part of the subdivision, I spotted several sparrows with red wings and  rough brown plumage...Spearows, if recall correctly, ganging up on a small, anthropomorphic green snake. The Green Snake had a pastel body with yellow collar like tirms and a giant leaf on the end of it's tail. A Snivy. The Snivy seemed to be struggling, wind gushing from all over the place as it tried to catch it's breath, taking hits one by one. Poor creature...PETA wouldn't stand for this, that's for sure.

As if on instinct, I picked up a small pebble, throwing it at one of the Spearows as it dove towards the poor Snake, gathering most of the flock's attention towards me. And in that moment...I immediately regret my action as I threw my bag to the side. I couldn't afford losing the flock of Spearows soon charged towards me, taking my last breath of air for a while as I crossed my arms like a guard. Pain soon forced its way to most of my limbs and my sides as the flock of Spearows pecked them. I tried to stand my ground until I can see an opening in which I immediately leaped to the side, skidding to the ground as I grabbed my bag, carrying it by my shoulders as I stood up once more. The Spearows, dumbfounded as they began to dart around the trees, protective of their 'territory', if I remember Pokemon Soul Silver's Pokedex entry. They only scratched my arm and the Snivy's nose.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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