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Our Heroine
nature:sweet,cute,caring,beautiful, bubble,fun loving she is open minded but shy also she think that girls is equal to boys and can do whatever they like she live in orphanage because her parents died in a car orphanage and her relative refuse to take care of her and mother(who take care of orphanage) took haya with her in orphanage she love haya a lot because she don’t have any daughter and haya is like her daughter she completed her study and she is a painter and every kid in orphanage call haya as didi.

Our hero
name:Arjun Mehra
nature: hot,handsome,arrogant and proud of himself he think there is nothing like love in this world it’s just that people want physical pleasure and that’s what people called love he had many girlfriend and physical relationships and all girls are behind him because of his money that’s why he don’t believe in love and if he like something he want it at any cost no matter what happened but he love his family a lot on a name of family he have only 2 sisters his parents are dead and he is a big successful businessmen his business is of making jewelry

arjun’s sister
sona and rubi both are of same age 18 and both are cute and sweet and love there brother they like painting and they are learning how to paint
there are more people like Arjun’s office stuffs and his sisters frds you'll know it as the story proceed

Hatred: A Beginning Of New Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now