chapter two

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When I thought everything was starting to go slow motion around me..

"Is everything alright Ms. Vena?" Seymour asked as he noticed that I wasn't listening to their conversation any longer..

"I.. I'm okay.." I started to mumble and looked at everyone in our table and excused myself before getting up and walk to the comfort room.

My mind was in a full static mood trying to figure out "is this real"? I went inside a cubicle and closed the toilets cover then sat down on it.. I took out my phone and looked at it once again..

"okay, this is fake, calm down.. just calm down.." I was mumbling to myself as I try to let myself think about what I should message HIM since he accepted me on Skype.

Hi!! So your Maluma? I typed..

"awww.. this isn't right.." I said to myself then cleared the message tab and then stared at it..

I was startled by my ringtone that indicated I had a message. "Hey? You okay there?"
Seymours message pops in the screen. I didn't bother to reply and continued thinking what to message for HIM..


That was all I typed and touched the send button and stood up.. that'll have to do for know I guess.. I went out of the cubicle and took a quick glance and of myself..

"Compose yourself " I said to myself in the mirror. Then washed my hands, dried it up and went out of the comfort room..

"Sorry, I had to-"

"No worries Ms. Vena no need to say sorry" Mr. Conner cut through my explanation and smiled at me.

" as we were saying earlier we are hoping to find a new substantial upgrade on the app but we can't really assure you to have it on time for your scheduled launching endorsement. Our team is on a vacation for 2weeks, I really am sorry but I promised it for their sleepless days and nights for the last couple of weeks.."

" I see, I'll just have to postpone and spread it out on other teams then and do not worry Mr. Conner I understand health is the most important key value in working.. I really admire you for that.."

"Thank you Ms. Vena"

"No worries Mr. Conner-

" just call me Liam., Ms.Vena we have been working for a lot of projects before yet you don't call me on my first name basis"

"Oh my, I'm really sorry for that I have been really forgetful this days"

" it's fine, maybe you should also take a little break.."

"Nah, I'm fine Liam and also I love my work."

"Very well, but if you'd ever change your mind you might want to have a little break along with my team we haven't figured out the island we are going but one things for sure it is going to be fun."

"That sounds nice, how bout you Seymour?"

"Me? Why me? Your the one who's invited. Haha.."

"I mean maybe you want a break too?"

"Not necessary for now since we have a lot of things to do in the office"

"Hah, well you heard what he said Liam. But thanks anyway."

He just smiled and nod in response.

After the meeting with Liam and Seymour I went back to the office to finish some paperwork.

There was a knock on the door.
"Come in"

"Miss Ve, I was hoping if I can leave early today, my son is sick and he is alone at home since my sister is working on early night shifts starting today."

"Oh, are you done with the reports I have to use for tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'm going to hand them over before I leave."

"Good, then you can leave early for today. I have some fresh Tomato salad here, give this to patrick."

"Thanks miss Ve, he would very much like this."

"Your welcome. Tell him to get well soon. So he can visit me here."

"I will. Bye!" While putting out some folders in the table.

I have been busy with my work I didn't even look at the time. When suddenly, a small sound made its way to capture my busy mind I had to stop and search for it and when I had it I was very scared and I don't know why.

One word.. Simple as that but it brought a lot of colors in my mind. I was in shambles and I didn't know what to respond. I closed my eyes and started to think 'okay, calm down. You don't know whose on the other line yet, he probably is just using you for scam. That's how it is these days. Hah.. That's right I'm not going to get fooled with this whoever this is.'

I opened my eyes and saw that he was online so even if I was really scared I pressed the call button and then there was silence, after a few seconds there was a ring on the other side I was about to press the end button when suddenly,

'Ushhh! Un mi telepono chico!'
I heard on the other line..
Then some murmur on the background..
'Asi! Como estas? Que espanyol de lengwahe?
'Uhm, No I'm straight English but I can understand little -'
Then the other line ended
'Hello?' Damn!
He sounded like him..
Was it him?

I looked back at my phone and he was already offline..

I gave myself a benefit of the doubt so I don't fall too much from expectation.

7:36 pm ugh, I looked on my screen with despair as I remembered the dinner at my father's house. I straightened from my chair and fixed up my table a little . I had everything I need inside my bag and decided to freshen up a bit and change to some comfortable clothes which I have on my mini closet.

Ready to leave I took out my keys from my bag before I went out the office then that sound again it got me distracted that I had to fish out my phone and see what it is,

" sorry, I was taught not to talk to strangers for my own safety. You do know who I am right? I hope you understand. Chao! "

I had to sit back down to have strength after reading his message. Gosh why does a simple message affect me like this? I busied my mind to scrap up some words to respond.

" yeah, I understand but, aren't you being too mean since your not really HIM? "

I pressed the send button and didn't wait anymore for his reply. I got out the office and went to the elevator which thankfully was now working again.

As I got out of the elevator my phone started to ring which I am pretty sure that is my dads ringtone.

" where are you?"
"Hi dad, still at the office but I'm on my way there.

" You better, your grandma is Already mumbling.. And you know how she is and her mumblings.."
"Got it. I'll be there in 15 minutes plus the traffic. Tell her I bought her something that'll keep her from mumbling, see ya!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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