Two Feet and a Already a Scream!

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*Seto's P.O.V*

We were running late for a play-date at Sky's house. My dad goes over there every so often. And my best friends, Ty, Jason and Sky were there for a play-date. My Daddy says that I'm going to save the world with Ty, Sky and Jason. I still have no idea what that means. Also my father is a powerful sorcerer. He said when he dies I get the sorcerer powers, or I would start learning sorcerery by myself. I have started. Because I know my father won't ever die! He can heal himself, and I can heal him! Plus my father is like a million years old. So I don't have to worry about him ding of old age. Anyway, I have brown messy hair, a purple hood and a red cape. I have a red creeper face on my 'mage outfit' that I modified to look cooler. Whenever I cast spells there always purple! I have no idea why. My father said I have a brother. I don't know his name. He left when he was my age. He's my twin. My mother died and she was more powerful than my father. He got her powers. So he left. I think he was a danger to us or something. Anyway, we walked up to Sky's house and opened the door. I was frozen in time. There standing in front of me was not only the Wither, but HeroBrine and the EnderDragon as well!!!! I looked closely. I saw Sky with white eyes and Ty with wings and a tail and Jason with a Wither head!! (I explained then in the last chapter) My father flew up to the mobs and my friends. I ducked behind a couch. I heard them saying stuff, but I was too worried to listen. Then I heard a thud. All the sudden I felt like power was flowing into me, like a river of power. I started having flash backs. They weren't my flash backs. I saw myself. Then I realized. My father died and I was gaining all of his knowledge. I saw what he ment by I'll save the world with Jason, Ty and Sky. There was one flashback that caught my eyes and ears.

"Seto, first off I love you." I heard my father talking to me as a baby and... my brother. "Ender, I love you to. This is for Seto. Seto, Ty, Sky and Jason are your best friends. Don't let that change. I'm going to die by helping banish the Wither, HeroBrine and the EnderDragon. So will your friends fathers. We love you don't forget that. Help them and when we die tell them the truth." My father told me what happened. I ran over to Sky, Ty and Jason. I started talking.

"We need the truth." Sky said. I sighed at started telling the tails.

"It was the final battle against HeroBrine, Wither and EnderDragon. It was three against one. Notch had no other choice. He had to take as much of their power away as possible. He in-prisoned HeroBrine's true self in an Amulet called the HeroAmulet." I started explaining as Sky looked down at the Amulet around his neck. "HeroAmulet." He whispered. "Next" I started explaining. "He in-prisoned the EnderDragon in a staff call The Dragon's Staff." I said as Ty looking at the purple, now turning green, Eye of Ender. "Next" I started up again "He in-prisoned the Wither. He took the Withers forth head-" I was cut off by Jason.

"Fourth?" He asked.

"Yes he is the king of Withers so he has four. He took the Wither's fourth head. They were all helpless, not completely helpless. Helpless to Notch that is. However Notch was too weak to fight. He used his reaming power to teleported to his place. He fell in front of three guards. I'm guessing you know who the guards were?" I asked.

"Our fathers." Ty said. I nodded.

"So your fathers brought him to the court sorcerer. Who is you know who!?" I asked.

"Your father" Jason said.

"Yes, my father healed him. When Notch opened his eyes he looked at us in amazement. They asked what was wrong. He said 'No one can heal me. And you three guards take these and protect them.' Notch told them why. They all understood. He told my father to go with them. He did. And he protected them since. And there were still battles. But that the basics." I finished. I'm guessing it was hard to take in. Ty dropped the Dragon's Staff. His wings left him as well as the other parts.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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The Beginning Secrets (A Team Crafted Fan-fic) (SkyBrine, Enderlox, WitherU)Where stories live. Discover now