Chapter 1

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Katara and Toph talked about the last town we had visited while Sokka and Zuko traded tips on weapons as we walked through the earth kingdom woods. Appa had been flying for a while so I had decided that we should all walk and give the big sky bison a rest before we kept on flying towards the fire nation. "Idiot! What the hell did you say?" An enraged shout from the trees nearby made the rest of my group stop immediately and Sokka pulled out his boomerang while Katara asked Toph if she could see who was there.

"There's only two of them, we can take 'em if they're firebenders," Toph smirked and cracked her knuckles as she got into a fighting stance along with everyone else. A blast of fire came roaring out of the trees, singeing the bark and the grass below, but Zuko quickly redirected it up into the sky before it could hit us. A young man near Zuko's age with short black hair and earth kingdom clothes came jogging from the direction of the fire and I shouted at him to get behind us before he got hurt.

The older boy just stared at us and then turned calmly and called out to the firebender who was pursuing him: "Hey cat, you almost burned some people over here."

"That's your fault, I'm gonna kill you, you stupid earthbender!" A furious boy the same age as the earthbender but with wild, bright red hair crashed through the underbrush and directed another ball of flame at the young man. I called out for Toph and she quickly sent a wall of rock towards the firebender, but the earth's progress was halted by the male earthbender who still hadn't moved. "What the hell, Luka? I can take care of myself! Don't get in the way." The firebender stormed over to the other boy before we could stop him and he hit him on the shoulder. "I'm not weak, what am I supposed to do if they had tried to kill you, huh?"

The boy, Luka, smirked and then replied without missing a beat, "Guess you'd have to give me true love's kiss to revive me." This only served to make the redhead even more angry and embarrassed and he was almost literally breathing flames as he charged Luka. "YOU IDIOT! Like hell I would ever do that! I'm gonna kill you!" My friends were all in shock at the odd scene and I wasn't sure what to do, but when I saw the smile that graced Luka's face as he gracefully evaded the firebender chasing him I knew it was all right. 

Suddenly right when the boy was about to seriously burn him Luka leaned in casually and kissed him on the cheek. This made the boy freeze and his entire face turned beet red from embarrassment as his fighting stance went limp. "Stupid Luka, I hate you," He muttered as he fell into Luka's embrace and pressed his face up against his chest, but Luka only ruffled his hair lovingly. "Love you too, Silas. Never change."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2017 ⏰

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