Wake Up

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"Where's Tyler?" Josh asked their tour manager, Michael. "Oh he's sleeping in the back, he's had a long day I wouldn't advise to waking him up, it's only been two hours." Michael said, taking a sip of his coffee and patted Josh on the back. "But he likes you more than any of us, you could give it a shot." He said laughing.

Josh smiled, "Thanks M."

He walked into the back of the tour bus where Tyler was tucked underneath the blankets, and hiding his face in his pillow as he slept. "Tyler bud, wake up" Josh said as he rubbed Tyler's shoulder, trying to get him to look at him.

Tyler slowly sat up, stretching his arms and yawning as he rubbed his eyes trying to wake up. "What's up?" He said staring at Josh. "Oh, nothing, I just felt as if you should eat something. Want to go to Chipotle with me?" Josh said, handing Tyler his black vans and black hoodie. "It's going to be cold today." Josh said hoping for him to put them on and go with him.

"Oh, sure dude. I am a little hungry, but what time is it?" Tyler grabbed his phone. "Huh, One Thirty-Six?" Josh looked confused, "What's wrong?" He said grabbing Tyler's phone and looking at the time as well. Tyler smirked and took it back, "Oh nothing, it just felt like I slept longer."

Tyler got his stuff on and Josh lead the way heading them out the bus' doors, "Oh nah, Michael said you slept for a maybe good two hours before I had just woke you up." Josh turned around to tell Michael. "We're going to Chipotle, we'll get you something." He gave them a thumbs up as they walked away.

"Oh, okay. What'd you do all day today bro?" Tyler said, nudging Josh's arm as they walked. Josh nudged back, "Nothing really, played drums for a little bit, had some fans run into me as I was in town, was a good day." Josh smiled. "Oh yeah? What were you doing in town by yourself?"

"I was just jogging for a little bit, seemed like a nice morning. Fans were sweet, one of them told me their favorite song was 'Stressed Out'." He said, smiling.

"Really? Good." Tyler said happily. Josh looked at him, "Why just good?" He said laughing. Tyler looked back and realized he was going to walk into a wall, he grabbed Josh by the arm quickly and they laughed it out, continuing their conversation. "People bash another one of their kind, by that I mean, our fans. Some of our fans bash other fans for liking 'Stressed out.' I don't mind what song they like, if they like it, they like it. And that makes me happy. It just has been giving me a bad feeling because some of them actually hate the song now." Tyler said, stopping and sitting down at the nearest bench.

Josh quickly sat beside him glaring into his eyes as Tyler looked down at the ground. "Hey hey hey don't let your insecurities get to you again, it's okay. We both know it's hard sometimes, but just brush it off okay Ty? I think you just need some food in your system. We can talk about this as we eat." Josh said, standing up waiting for Tyler to get up with him.

Tyler stood up beside him and they started walking again, almost getting towards Chipotle. "Okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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