Chapter 1

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I gasped as I pricked my finger again with the needle. Quickly wiped the spot of red blood off before my mother could notice. But of course, being the insightful and observant woman, she was, noticed the gasp.

"Yet again my dear child" she muttered before lifting her head to lay her brown eyes onto me "This cannot be but the fifth time you have pricked your finger this sitting. What is on your mind?" She asked leaving her stitching unattended on her lap.

"Nothing's the matter mama" I replied with haste, focusing my attention on stopping the bleeding.

"Elenore" she pushed, laying her almost completed embodied pheasant pillowcase on her lap.

"Really it's nothing." I quickly added before continuing my work. She was right it was something, more the thought of someone that kept my mind occupied. He worked as a doctor with his father. I had met him yesterday, on my way to town. His depthless aqua blue eyes had me transfixed and mesmerized. The thought of not being able to get better acquainted with the young doctor made my heart sink.

"Miss Bookbridge invited you to attend her daughter's engagement dinner today." Mother added pulling my thoughts away from the doctor.

"Oh yes, Jane asked me herself not long ago. Perhaps I can wear my new dress?" I asked. Mother nodded in approval. She was a normally quiet woman, and apart from dinnertime, I had grown up with a governess.

The doctor was bound to attend. The Bookbridge family were a middle-class family, with sufficient holdings and a quaint village house, Jane was my closest friend as a child. The doctor's son was a middle-class man as well. He was expected to attend too. Or at least I presumed and hoped so.

My heart skipped a beat at that. Mother allowed me to retire after luncheon, noticing how many more times I had managed blood to reside at the end of my finger. Giving me ample time to prepare for the engagement party, I dressed in a modest amount of jewels and my light blue dress. It was a fancy day dress, and something I would wear on Sundays when we were visited, but the fashions at the party were bound to be modest and I would not want to wear the expensive French designs that I would otherwise wear in the city or at larger events.

On arrival at the party, I was relieved to notice that my dress was slightly more extravagant than the others, none-the-less I managed not to bring too much attention to myself. After all, this was Jane's day.

"Jane darling, Congratulations" I giggled embarrassing my friend as she welcomed her guests into the families parlour.

"I was not sure you would come, I barely see you around town as of late" she smiles pulling back slowly. "Good to see you my friend" she smiled.

"Because I am in need of a husband, my father says. I reside in London in the season and God knows where the rest of the year." I giggle placing a kiss on her cheek. " I go court in a week."I sigh sadly holding her hands. It would be hard to predict how long father will have to be there to attend the royal affairs if he was taken a liking to then we were unbound to return. I didn't share the notion with Jane, only continued to smile politely and leave, allowing her to welcome the rest of her guests.

Once the parlour is filled with a lively buzz of conversation, and the orchestra has begun playing a soft mellow tune, Jane appears beside me again, linking her arm through mine, she leads me to the centre of the room "They are overworking you, my friend. Come let's get you some wine. A few dances should get your spirits high again." I laugh in agreement.

My eyes glanced around the room landing on the son of the doctor. He was happily chatting to Jane's future husband in the corner. Our eyes met for a brief moment before I broke them focusing on Jane who was talking animatedly about her fiancé and his holdings. Who came over to ask her to dance. She looked happy, there were never many happy marriages as of late. "Lady Elenore" someone spoke beside me. "Might I have this dance?" My eyes met with the man, I couldn't help but smile. The doctor's son had asked. Just my luck.

"I would be delighted" I smiled placing my hand on his. "And what shall I call you sir,?" I asked as he leads me to the floor, knowing full well that he was the young Mr Gernard.

"Anthony Gerard madam" he smiled softly.

"Ahh, the good doctor's son then. I'll be in good hands then" I joked, delighted to see I brought some laughter into his usually serious complexion.

The night was filled with humorous moments. By the time it was time to go home my feet were aching and my hair was sticking up in different directions. I didn't mind. The young Mr Gerard was a kind and funny man. I wished I could go to functions like this more often, instead of the rather dull and proper ones papa dragged me to.

"It has been a pleasure dancing with you Lady Elenore. I do hope you are not too exhausted from all the dancing." He apologised

"Not at all, I had a lovely evening, thank you." I assured him "I have not had so much excitement since I was but a girl. I hope you are not too exhausted Mr Gernard."

We approached the front door. And a small girl handed me my coat. Thanking her softly Mr Gerard accompanied me to my carriage. "Safe journey Miss"

"Thank you" I smiled before the carriage jolted to a movement. Taking us away.

I couldn't wipe the satisfied smile off my lips, as my feet continued to dance as I rest my tired head down and danced into a deep sleep. 

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