Chapter 14

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"So how about​ we wed in on a fourth night?" Luke asked as we played a game of chess in one of the common rooms of the palace, the room was filled with chatter and card games. We were secluded at the side of the room which allowed us to joke around more freely than we otherwise would be.

"Really?" I ask smiling back as I move my piece.

"Yes, well my family will be here, and they are all so excited to meet you. I thought instead of making them do a second trip here for the wedding, we could wed while they are here" he explains, I can see that he was nervous to tell me.

"I think that sounds splendid. You've given this a lot of thought" I assure him. "We would have the wedding the palace I suppose? Would we need the kings permission?"

He would most likely refuse to allow it. "mm... I'll get him to agree when he has had a few" he chuckles, moving his piece across the board.

"Your wicked" I laugh. Before noticing his serious face "your serious?" I ask confused. Before focusing on the game, bringing the queen into a vital position for a check-mate.

"Aye, I'm serious" he adds moving another piece, unknowing of my advantage.

"Then it shall be done, I see no other alternative" I add. "I can ask him before you intoxicate him?" I ask setting up my win.

"I don't want you near that man. Understood?" He points he whispers under his breath. Not paying attention to the game at all, I realise that he must have been letting me win with his busy mind elsewhere.

"Too late" I breath noticing the King walking over in our direction.

"Ahh Cousin, Lady Elenore. I trust your day has been well?" He asks.

"We were just arranging wedding dates" I add happily, knowing full well that the king had to accept our proposal in front of the rest of the people at court.

"Oh, and what have you decided on?" He asked sounding board.

"A fourth night. We were actually going to ask if we could hold it here?" I ask with a polite smile.

"What a splendid idea my lady. I believe your family is arriving then as well are they not Cousin?" He asked in an unusually cheerful voice. I wasn't sure what his motive was, however we were getting our wedding set, so I was not in a position to cause unnecessary dramas.

"Yes, they will be" Luke muttered not happy with the king's presence.

"We shall make a royal day out of it. I shall send the royal dress maker your way my lady. You are entering the family after all and have served the country well" he smiled. There it was, I knew he would include something to make Luke uncomfortable.

"Too kind your highness, we hope you will attend the celebration" I bow my head.

"Of course, if you would excuse me, my bride is arriving from Spain today" he nods walking away.

"Nicely done dear" Luke smiles playing his turn only to realise his loss.

"If you would excuse me. I promised I'd see my mother for tea. Would you join us?" I asked standing up from the game set.

"I better not. I have business to attend to with the king" he kisses my hand before walking away in the other direction. I stood for a moment, enjoying the solitude, before I noticed a girl sitting on the other side of the room.Her eyes flickered around, almost as if she was a scared deer, she had a cute shyness about her. Her hands where positioned on her skirt neatly, and I could tell despite her worried and frantic state she was a well-mannered girl. She was the Lady McJove brother spoke about.

I approached the girl with a smile "Hello you must be new at court," I greeted "I am Lady Elenore" I bow.

"Pleasure to meet you, I am Lady Lily. Sorry, I'm just a little new to this" she added quickly.

"Ahh, I could tell, so am I to an extent. I was just off to have tea and wondered if you would like to join me?" I asked with a smile.

"I would love to. I haven't met anyone yet, it's all a bit too fast moving here" she laughed softly.

"I couldn't agree more. So, what are you doing at court"? I asked as we walked down the hallway.

"My father is attending to the king. And I for a husband I suppose" she added in a hushed whisper. I smiled to myself at her cute air of being.

"We are all here for the same reasons then." I laugh as we enter my family's chambers to see mother sitting g by the fire.

"Mother, I've met a new friend Lady Lily, and invited her to join us for tea" I introduce

"Oh lovely, it's nice to have some company. You have just arrived in the palace with your parents is that right?" Mother asks pouring out some tea.

"Yes, we arrived not more than a week ago"

"How splendid. You'd you like milk and sugar?" Mother asked from beside the table. Arranged with a cake and a fine china tea set, with neatly hand painted flowers and leaves on the side.

"Milk and a sugar please" she asked. "Lady Elenore, are you not already engaged to the Marquess?" She asked.

"I am, we plan our wedding to be in a fourth night" I smile. "We shall have to find you a husband as well" I laugh.

"Good luck, no one has ever looked even the slightest bit interested in me." She sighed outdatedly.

"I am sure that is not true dear, you are a very beautiful, polite girl. I would be surprised if you didn't have a whole group of fine young men interested. You haven't been here long" mother assured her.

We spoke about lighter topics, such as the weather, flower arrangements and palace gossip. I could tell she was more comfortable around us as she didn't seem shy anymore. Suddenly the door opened "Good after noon mother, sister..." My brother's eyes went wide as he looked at Lady Lily.

"Brother meet Lady Lily, she just arrived here at the palace" I explain hiding the from on my face.

"Ehhhmm" he cleared his throat "yes, it's a pleasure to meet you my lady" he bowed his head.

"Would you like some tea?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Yes, I would. Had a long day" he sighed sitting on the free spot beside mother. I stood to pour some more tea.

"What did you do all day?" I asked as I handed him the tea.

"Had to deal with mattered for the king. He seemed to be in another of his moods today. It's exhausting" he sighed.

I swallow knowing full well why he was in a mood. "Didn't the princess arrive today?" I asked as I sat down. "Yes, and he made it very apparent that he can't stand the woman" he laughed. " So, Lady Lily, how are you finding palace life?" He asked moving turning to face her.

I could see her cheeks flame pink as she took a while to answer "it's a bit overwhelming, but it's beautiful" she added quietly.

"And have you explored the grounds?" He asked before taking a sip of tea. Mother and I exchanged amused glances. It was clear that both party liked the other, but each was too shy to show it.

"Not yet, they are just so big. I find myself getting lost" she laughed softly. "But eventually I'll get a hang of it" she smiled down.

"Then I must show you around. We can't have you getting lost can we now?" He added. "Sister?" He asked me for help.

"That's a good idea. Mother and I will be busy with wedding preparations, so you should do it. " I add with a bright smile.

"That would be really nice, thank you sir" she smiled happily. " I better go, I shall see you soon" she nodded.

"Yes, see you soon" I add.

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