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My stomach was tying itself in knots! I glanced out the car window, watching for any signs signaling that our destination was close. It has been three months since my parents signed me up for the "Big Sibling" program, an exchange program in which a human can go live with giants. It was set up by the government to help he two races better understand each other.

You are probably wondering: What do you mean, "giants"? I mean exactly what I said. I'm talking beings that look like us in every way but size. The average adult giant can be as tall as forty feet.

Giants just recently arrived on earth. They actually used to inhabit our planet, but as the human population grew, the giants had to find a new place to go.

Well it turns out that Leonardo Da Vinci invented a time machine and took it back to find out what early humans were like. What he found instead were giants. Working together, Da Vinci and the giants built a space-time reality compressor that could take large amounts of the reality around it and copy it's make up. Then it put the copied reality into a sunspace pocket universe.

Why was Da Vinci doing this? Well I guess because he was a really nice guy. Anyway, the giants migrated to a pocket universe that was basically a copy of the earth.

Recently however, the device was discovered by a secret branch of the U.S. government. They found the device along with a note left be Da Vinci explaining the situation.

For all you anarchists out there, I'm going give you a spoiler. Instead of destroying the device to eliminate the the possibility that the giants were violent, they sent ambassadors to make first contact. It went great and the two races got along just fine. And unlike humans, giants are united under one democratic republican government.

Seeking to strengthen our relationship, the governments created the "Big Sibling" program. That now brings us back to the current situation.

This is the story of how I met Dillon. My giant best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2017 ⏰

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