part 2

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- Firefly's P.O.V. -

"...Luke?" I looked at him.  I just bumped into my best friend and I said sorry. We never say sorry to each other. It's like our thing. None of us, the whole group, ever say sorry or thanks to each other.

"Sorry?" he laughed at me.

"I thought you were someone else..." I awkwardly looked away.

"Who?" he gave me a small smirk.

"No one....?" I smiled a little, it sounded like a question. well fuck. I thought.

"I knew you were up to something. What are you doing here? What if someone follows you home?" He paused. "Or is that what you want?" he smirked. I stayed silent for a little while.

"Luke, go home." I said,  nervously biting my lips. What the hell am I supposed to say to him? I hate lying to him. But there's no way I'm telling him. What if he hates. .... wow I'm looking for someone I don't know anything about. I broke my thoughts with my own thoughts. But so what if I don't know anything about him. This is why I'm looking for him right? We'll meet, for the first time.

"Heyooo! Earth to Firefly." I heard Luke. I snapped back to reality. "Firefly, you ok, love?" he asked.

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Probably cause you're horrible at acting?" He laughed a little. "Now tell me what's wrong"

"Nothing is wrong. I'm ok. Now go" I tried to walk away.

He took my wrist. "It's obvious Firefly. Who's the stupid fucker who won your heart?" He looked dead serious. Do I tell him? I didn't know what to do. What am I? stupid? he just called him a stupid fucker, and he doesn't even know him. Neither do I but I saw him.  "Firefly!" Luke kinda yelled, breaking my thoughts.

"What?" I asked, casually.

"Stop staring blankly into space." he paused as I giggled. "You can trust me. You can tell me anything. You always do. You always did, until now." he said rolling his eyes at the last two words.

"There's nothing wrong, there's nothing going on with me. Luke, I'm fine. I trust you, but you obviously don't trust me."

"I don't trust you?" he gave me a weird look.

"Than why did you follow me here? Why won't you believe me? Why won't you let me live my life?" I stopped for a second, waiting for an answer. "Why did you follow me around everywhere for the last two years?" I said, rolling my eyes at everywhere .

"Because," he paused for a second. "I promised your parents, that I'll keep you safe. It was the only way for them to let you live with us. "

"Well they're not here now, are they? You don't have to do this anymore." I smiled weakly

"I want to." my smile fell to his words. why would he wanna do that? I asked myself. "I wanna be sure that you're safe, I wanna know where you are, who you're with..." he answered, like he read my mind. why THE FUCK would he wanna know that? I thought.

" Whatever Luke, I'm going home." I walked away.

- Luke's P. O. V. -

Did she just walk away like that?  I can't believe I said that. I'm such an idiot. Well at least I didn't tell her I know about her friend, Michael. I thought. Of course I knew Michael, I was at the door when his grandma answered, I followed Firefly there. I told her Firefly's single after Firefly left. I even saw Michael, he should really close the curtains when he plays his guitar. I walked home like nothing happened. As a entered the cabin, Ashton walked up to me.

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