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This story takes place in shortly after season 2 of Wakfu!
Part 2 describes Fang and Slash!

"Just around the corner Slash," I quickly yell out to my brother. Around the corner we run, into 1 of my portals. We make it to our safe zone with our haul. "We got a big score this time. 5 apis each. We'll be eating good tonight." I give Slash a high five.

"And the villagers will never know it's you, not with my power to disguise us." Slash waves his hands in a circle above his head and lowers them. Our disguises come off. "Some day we should try to rob for more."

"Hm, someday. For now let's focus on really getting our skills down. I am so close to being able to place 4 portals."

1 Month Later:

"The world is our oyster Slash. Let's pick a real easy target and chose harder targets as the day goes."

"Great idea brother. They'll never notice if you keep against a wall. You sure you can manage 4 portals all day?"

"We wouldn't be here if I wasn't sure."

"Good point." The village is very lively today. There's a festival going on today. People are celebrating the God Enutrof. It almost sickens me that these people worship this god as though he's right here.

"Ah, it's good to be back home," an elderly, deep voice calls out. It's an old man with almost no hair. He's accompanied by a beautiful Cra, a Iop, a Sadida, a funny looking kid with the same style hat as me, and a pasty white kid in a weird hat. The old man has a bag hanging on a shovel that might be worth a thing or 2.

"Slash," I whisper, "can you cause a distraction? That old man over there. His bag might be worth something."

"What about the Iop," Slash asks me. "His sword has a weird eye on it. Should we take it?" I look very mischievously happy.

"Good eyes brother. That is a Shushu. He must be a Shushu Guardian. I'll get that sword without fail." I then open a portal. Slash goes into it. I watch from a building near the entrance to the village. Slash comes quickly, with company, using his new disguise: an Eniripsa child.

"Help," he screams, running into the village. His illusions follow a bit behind. He bumps into the white kid.

"Watch where you're going, " the white kid calls out. The illusions get closer and closer.

"Got no time. They're after me for no reason." This gets their attention. The illusions finally catch up.

"Halt in the name of the kingdom of Breta, " 1 of the illusions calls out.

"What did this kid do to deserve a long chase," the Cra asks.

"He had sneaked in. It is capital crime to get in without a permit."

"I, I was looking to sell some things on the black market there," Slash tells the guard. "It's only burnt bread. I swear."

"Then why did you sneak in," asks the Cra.

"I don't have any kamas. I'm poor." That's my cue. I quickly open 3 portals, 1 behind my back, 1 behind the Iop, and 1 in my treasure room. Being very quick, I grab the sword and yank it.

"Hey, who," is all he has time to say before he gets through my portal. Once my hand is through, I send it through the portal again, this time to my treasure room. The Iop notices almost immediately and the illusions drag Slash off. All as planned on such short notice.

"Where's Rubi," the Iop asks. "He's disappeared. Oh no. Somebody stole Rubi! I'm a failure if I don't find him." My disguise fades and I start to laugh loudly. His attention focuses on me. "What's so funny kid? And where you ease, uh, listening in on our conversation?"

Fang: Alone? (Discontinued Old Trash)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant