Morro's plan~

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While Lloyd had been gone to clear his mind, the other Ninja had decided to train a bit. Well. Cole and Zane were traning with Nya, since Jay was playing video games and Kai was chatting with his fans on his phone. It really started to get annoying. While Zane was training Nya in being the water Ninja, Cole trained his new found powers as ghost. He still had his problems, but with enough training, that problem could be solved very easily. He focused right now on turning invisible, since Sensei Wu had told him, that he could turn invisible with enough strength and focuse. "Hiyaa!", Nya yelled out, shooting an water orb at the trainings dummy and destroyed it. "Good job Nya. You're getting better and better each time.", Zane told her and smiled at him, when Cole cheered out, being finally invisible. "Cole? Did you just turned invisible?", Nya asked and Cole laughed. "Jupp!", he chuckled, the two team mates looking where he was, wanting to know it of course. Out of nowhere, Cole appeared right beside Nya and she yelped in surprise, before the three started to laugh. At least a few on the team were training at least. Kai was just chatting with his fans and smirked to himself. He loved all the fame he got and was glad, that Lloyd wasn't the only one who got all the fame this time. Jay was playing his favorite video game instead, not even paying attention to Kai and just played his game, while he mumbled here and there about things from the game. No one knew in what danger Lloyd was in right now. But they were about to find out

On the whole flight to the Bounty, Lloyd had fought against Morro, but the ghost had easily fought back and kept him down. "What do you even want this time from us?!", Lloyd snapped at Morro then and the ghost chuckled. "Revenge! My first plan failed, so I will use my plan B.", Morro answered him and Lloyd growled angrily. After what seems forever, they finally saw the Bounty coming into view and Lloyd started to fight even harder, but Morro kept him down. Landing his dragon, Morro got down and called for the team. "Ninja! Come out and play~!", he called, the other five soon coming out. "Lloyd?", Cole asked shocked and the called Ninja snickered. "Lloyd? Lloyd is gone for now. I think you should still know me.", Morro answered. "Morro!", Nya gasped and got water ready. "Go on. Attack me. The water will hurt Lloyd and not me.", Morro snickered and the Ninja glared at him. "What do you want?!", Kai snapped. "Where is the Realm Crystal?!", Morro asked angrily. "We don't know!", Jay snapped and glared at Morro. "Our Sensei hid the crystal with Borg.", he added then. "Jay!", the others groaned then. Jay flinched slightly, while Morro smirked and blew them into the reeling, making sure they couldn't get back up and headed inside, searching for Wu. "Morro?!", Wu said surprised, once the Wind Master found him. "Where is the Realm Crystal?!", he snapped at Wu and glared at him angrily. "I will never tell you!", Wu answered and hold his staff, before Morro growled and attacked him. "Then I will just take that information forcefull!", Morro snapped and pinned Wu down, using his ghost powers and tried to find the location of the Crystal in Wu's mind. Once he did, he let go of Wu and rushed outside, where he summoned his dragon and got on. "This time, you're going to lose!", Morro yelled down to the Ninja, before he took off. "Lloyd!", the other Ninja called out shocked, but the Green Ninja was gone again. "I can't believe it!", Jay gasped shocked and Zane looked away. "We have to protect the crystal and prevent Morro from getting it.", Nya said then. "Only Wu knew where the crystal is and now that Morro knows that too, we have no chance to protect the crystal!", Kai answered, putting his phone away and quickly rushed off. He would save Lloyd. He had already failed last time, when Lloyd was possessed for the first time, but not this time. This time he would protect Lloyd. No matter what would happen to him or the others. Kai would save Lloyd from Morro's possession. While Kai and the others were thinking about a way to save Lloyd, Morro was flying towards the Realm Crystal's location. Lloyd was yelling at him the whole time, before he asked thw question, Morro had been wamting to hear the whole time over. "What do you even want from me?!", Lloyd snapped and Morro started to laugh darkly. "What I want? I want you~", Morro answered amd Lloyd stopped midsentence. Morro did not just said that, did he? "Yes I did Greeny~ Get used to it.", Morro answered and smirked, before he landed in a forest and got off his dragon, smirking at the gate. "This was easier than I thought.", he chuckled, when white Nindroids came out. "Stop right there, Intruder!", One Nindroid yelled, who looked a lot like General Cryptor. "Wait.", he added then and gave a sign, the other Nindroids backing off. "Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon. Your allowed to treepass. Please follow us.", Cryptor said then and turned around, walking inside. Morro smirked and followed then, knowing he would win this time. The Nindroids brought him to a certain room, where he saw nothing else than the Realm Crystal. "Mister Borg told us to give you the Crystal when you would appear.", Mindroid beeped, talking in a childlike voice and Lloyd cooed in the inside. That was just adorable. "Aww.", Morro said then with Lloyd's face and Mindroid made some cute noises. Lloyd smiled in the inside and Morro gave his best not to laugh over the boy. Because if Lloyd continued to give into this, his whole Body would be soon addicted to Morro's presence inside his body. No matter in what kind of contact. "If you continue this, you will get addicted to me~", Morro told Lloyd in his mind then, while Lloyd huffed only. Morro took the Realm Crystal then and thanked the Nindroids, before he left with Lloyd amd headed then away from there, towards a small clearing in the forst. Once they arrived there, Morro unpossessed Lloyd and the boy fell onto the ground weakly. "I-I hate t-this...", he mumbled, while Morro rised the crystal and the portal opened. Soon, five ghosts appeared and Morro smirked. "It's good to see you all back, Bansha, Ghoultar, Soul Archer and Wrayth.", he greeted them. "Morro? You really freed us!", Bansha cheered, before she saw Lloyd on the ground and came over to him then. "How is it? To be possessed again?", Bansha asked him and Lloyd growled only, glaring up to her angrily, while Bansha and the other three generals broke out into laughter. Morro came over to Lloyd then and lifted his chin. "Believe me. I have a lot of plans to break you, Lloyd Garmadon.", he told him and dropped his chin, tyen turned to his generals. "So. We heard you wanted to release the darkest Evil onto Ninjago? You know that is a really dangerous task. No one ever dared to free those demons.", Soul Archer told him then, while Lloyd's eyes widened. Demons? In Ninjago?! That sounded good. "And they may be not vampires, but they do feed on blood. You need a blood sacrifice to break the curse to set them free. "Why do you think I kidnapped Greeny again?", Morro snickered and Lloyd hurried to get up, but he was still weak on his legs and fell back down. "Give up Lloyd. You're to weak to fight against me!", Morro laughed then and Lloyd lowered his head, not wanting to believe the ghost. Out of nowhere, Morro kicked Lloyd into the side sending the boy into a tree and he yelped out, landing painfully on the ground. "Ouch...", he winced, while Morro came over to him and grabbed his neck, pulling him up roughly. Lloyd was forced to look at Morro, who smirked down to the Green Ninja. "Yep. You will be a great a blood sacrifice.", Morro nodded to himself then and smirked. Lloyd's eyes widened and he trashed around a bit to get free. Morro squeezed his neck then, making Lloyd gasp for air and his eyes widened and he tried badly to get free. Morro threw him into the next tree and smirked at him, laughing darkly. Soon, Lloyd was about to pass out, before Morro let him go and let fell down to the ground then. He breathed deeply, trying to regain his breath. Morro snickered devilish

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2017 ⏰

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