Last Thing On My Mind

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The covers encase me as my eyes drift closed. Quickly, my body limps and relaxes.

I find myself in the passenger seat of Will's jeep. The windows are down, music playing and he has his hand in mine, resting on my lap. The light turns green up ahead and he slows the car to a stop before pecking me on the cheek. "Eyes on the road!" I blush behind the words.

"Maybe you should drive. I'm getting a little too distracted." He winks with a devilish grin.

"Just drive safe."

His smirk fades. "Yes ma'am."

I ignore the comment, trying to avoid an argument.

After a few minutes of silence And me facing our the window watching passing cars he reaches out for my hand again. "Sorry. Shouldn't have talked to you in that tone. I'll be safe."

"Thank you," I say continuing to stare out the window.

Another few minutes pass with the music playing and us slightly humming along. Suddenly a car swerves in front of us and smacks the front of the car, sending us spinning into the shoulder barrier. He curses under his breath. "We've gotta get out." There's a high 'pop' before underneath the roof catches fire. My seatbelt finally whips off and I am crawling out of the window and away from the car.

"Will!" the whole frame is on fire now. He's stuck. I run back towards his side and yank at the door. No use. I grab a piece of shattered metal front he ground and slam it against the glass. By the time he gets out, he has blisters forming from the flames and his clothes are singed. Yet the first thing he does is ask if I'm alright. Immediately I dial 911 and notify the operator our location.

The driver of the other car jumps out of his car across the freeway and jogs towards us. "I'm so sorry. I'll pay for all the costs. Something overtook me and I couldn't see and then the car flew out of control. I'm so sorry."

Will ticks me behind him. And squares his shoulders. "Police on their way to sort this out. But you definitely owe me a new Grand Cherokee."

Right then, a cop car pulls up and gathers papers. Thankfully Will has his one record on his phone. He shows the photos to the officer who records them and quickly arrests the other driver. The Other man, stole one last glance at us and Will's face limps. It changes to a severe deadpan look.

I step on front of him. "Will, honey... You okay?"

His eyes are hooded and dark. "Of course. Lets go home."

The officer comes back to us and notifies that a car will be here soon to give us a ride to where we need to go.

The car came and took us home. I immediately started dinner. As I am pulling the pan from the oven, Will comes behind me and pulls My back into him, wrapping his arms around my waist, and then picks me up and drags me downstairs to the living room. I giggle as his stubble tickles my neck. He plops me on the couch and his eyes suddenly go black. The whites of his eyes fade to a grey until they are as dark as a raven. His skin goes pale, and his hand reaches for his pocket, flipping open a pocket knife. He lunges at me and digs it into my belly. His hand catches my scream and the other tips the blade from my stomach. I let out another faded howl of pain. I lift my leg and kick it towards his head. The pain grows. Suddenly, his hand releases my mouth and his eyes return to their beautiful blue. He stares in horror at the blade in his hand and my bleeding body. "What the h-" I try to say before he cuts me off.

"I'm so sorry. I'm a monster. Oh my-" he drops the pocketknife at his feet and drops to his knees and grabs my face before ripping his shirt and tying it an inch above the wound. "Forgive me. Please forgive me. I didn't want to hurt you. Baby-"

I'm hurt. And terrified. I know he sees that in my eyes. But I do forgive him. Something took over him. There's no way he could have done that. His eyes changed. I may not know what it was. But I know it wasn't him. My eyes start to black out and remaining conscious takes all my effort. I've lost too much blood... And it's not stopping despite the cloth cinched around me.

"Will. Ambulance. Too much blood."

He dials the number. With a shaky voice he tells the situation after our address. "They're coming." He says to me and then hangs up. "They'll save you. Not me." He turns around and grand something from the safe. No... He faces me, pistol in hand, and he steals one last glance at me before the loud bang rings in my ears.

I spring out of bed in a cold sweat and dry tears stained on my cheeks. I reach at my stomach and find no wound. Good... It's not real. Next, I feel for Will. Fast asleep. Snoring in fact. He's okay.

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