A Note from the Author

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Hey there! Poeticgarbage here.

I know, I know! How dare I interrupt your reading time with reality? This is just a bit of background and some warnings, so if you wanna just dive in to the actual story, feel free to skip ahead. Before you do- keep in mind that you may be missing some info and/or otherwise surprising plot points that'll arise in the story. So go ahead, or don't. Just don't say I didn't warn you.

Now that that's out of the way, thank you so much for taking the time to read my book. This has been in the works ever since I was in elementary school, and has taken on many different forms. (Most notably Myth Island, which you can also read on Wattpad, or the previous "version" of this book, called Mythical.) I'm well aware that the subjects and contents of Legendary have taken on other forms that technically came before this (i.e. X-Men, Twilight), but I did get this uninfluenced idea as a measly 10 year old, and this is pretty much my life's work when it comes to narrative writing, so cut me some slack. If this is too cliche for you, you are by no means obligated to read it.

I don't feel like this story needs a prologue, but in case you didn't read the book description, here's the world of Legendary as we know it so far:

In this world, mythical creatures are a reality. Everything from mythology to folklore to legends can be assumed true in some sense. No, there aren't random hippogriffs galloping through the world, because there's a catch (isn't there always one?): these powers manifest in humans, who contain the capabilities and powers that their mythical counterparts possess. (Note: not every set of powers is an identical match to how it appears in legends. Many have been altered, but still follow a fundamental basis of the original creature.) Not everything is as great as it seems, however, for "mythicals" were deemed dangerous threats to society. A new branch of the police, referred to as the branch or department of Mythical Operations, set out to arrest any mythical they come across. As we soon learn, the game has changed, and the police are now soldiers, with orders to kill all mythicals. Will the mythicals finally fight back?

As always, this book is dedicated to Chase Cross.

Before you begin, here's a few warnings that I feel are justified:

1. This book contains moderate intensity violence: Fighting, both physical and mental, is a key element to this story, but I intend to keep it within the realms of normality and cleanliness unless the situation calls for more intense graphics.

2. This book contains language: Most of the characters are free spirited teenagers and young adults, and in order to make dialogue and thoughts more realistic, there is no restrictions on obscene language.

3. This book contains a few slurs: Some hateful and offensive language appears. This will be kept to a minimum. Please keep in mind that this does not reflect my views on any group of people.

Without further ado, enjoy Legendary!

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