Chapter 8

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*Desire POV*

Me and Quinton are dating. I wish I could say we have a good relationship cause we don't, he is abusive. He was never like this in the beginning. He was so sweet and innocent, now he's a completely different person. He comes home smelling like weed, alcohol and sex. I could honestly say that I miss Aaron, but I know he won't want to talk to me. I barely talk to Hazel cause I don't want her to see me like this. I dyed my hair light brown. I was laying down and I felt the urge to throw up so I ran to the bathroom. After I threw up, I went to brush my teeth.

I am not taking any chances so I went to the CVS and got a pregancy test. I used their bathroom there cause I don't want Quinton to get mad and start hitting me. After I took the test, I waited for the results, this seems like waiting forever. I'm so nervous.. I looked down at the test and it had a "+". Then I starting thinking again.... this couldn't be Quintion's baby cause we never had sex. 


One night me and Quinton was fighting and I need to release all this stress. I got dressed and went to the club. When I got there, the bouncers let me right in. I looked around and saw Aaron, we made eye contact but I hurried up and looked away. I went to bar and got a drink, I drunk so much that night. At that point I knew that I was completely wasted. Then Aaron come over and we started talking. He said that we should leave and go somewhere private. We got up and left and went to a hotel, the hotel was right down the street. He payed for the hotel and then when we got in the room, stuff started happening... y'all know what happened after that. 

*Flashback Over*

I can't that I'm having a baby by Aaron, I'm not saying that I didn't want a baby by him but it's the fact that I cheated on Quinton and plus it's not his baby. I drove over to his house. I got out and knocked on the door. He answered the door we some basketball shorts and no shirt.... Lord Give Me Strength. "Can I come in" I asked. He moved so I could come in. "Um.. Aaron, I have to tell you soemthing but honestly I don't think you will believe me." I told him. "Just tell me", he said. I explained to him what happened that night and he remembers but he didn't think we had sex. He came over and sat by me. "Desire, I'm sorry for what happened, I honestly hope you forgave me. I want to be there for you and my child. I've been so depressed without you, you were actually the first girl that I did something with since the break up. I love you with all my heart, please take me back" he said with tears coming out his eyes. I was crying too. "Aaron, I forgave you a long time ago. I just figured that you never wanted to talk to me. I love you too. But there's one problem" i said. "What is it" he asked. "I have a boyfriend, I got with him to get over you but it didn't work cause he's abusive" I told him. I could tell he was getting mad. "Desire, go home and get your stuff and come stay here. Get most of your stuff and we will go get the rest later. Be back in a hour" he said. I nodded and left. 

When I got home, I started packing. I had two suitcases of stuff. When I was walking downstairs, Quinton came in the house. I could tell he's been drinking. "Where the f*ck you think you going" he said. "I'm leaving, I can't stay here anymore with you" I said. I was so scared but I couldn't show fear. He grabbed me by my throat and pinned me against the wall. "Bitch you ain't going nowhere" He threw me on the floor and started punching me, I was covering my stomach and my face. He kicked me about 10 times and punched me one last time and I blacked out after that. I just hope my baby is okay. 

*Aaron POV*

When Desire came over here earlier, I was so happy to see her. When she told me everything, I couldn't do anything but be happy. When she told me about that boyfriend of hers, I wanted to kill that niqqa right now. I noticed that she has been gone for over an hour. I went to her house, that niqqa Quinton house. I knew who her boyfriend was, I just didn't know anything about him.

When I pulled up there, I made sure I was strapped. I went to the door and turned the door knob and it was unlocked. I looked around the house and seen Desire on the floor, covered in blood. I called Hazel and told her to come get Desire and take her to the hospital. I was looking around for this niqqa. I found him in the basement playing video games. I ran up to him and just started beating his ass. When I finally got tired, I pulled out my gun and said "any last words." He said "fuck you niqqa and that bitch Desire." I shot him twice in the head and twice in the chest.

When I was walking upstairs, Hazel called me and told me to hurry up and get to the hospital. I burned down the house and made sure their was nothing but ashes. After that, I jumped in my car and did 80 mph to the hospital. I really hope Desire and the baby is okay. I love that girl so much, if something happened to her I don't know what I would do. 


I hope y'all like this chapter. I'll try to update by the end of this week or some time next week. 




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