Chapter 14

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District 1

When Everett took off for the hills, it was the last thing any of us were expecting. Now I could say 'either' of us though, because it was only Emerald and I at this part. I missed Everett's company, because I was fairly intimidated by Emerald. She glared at me and was silent for a while, blaming me for Everett's leave. We didn't know where she was yet, but she was a survivor, and I didn't have a doubt we wouldn't meet again. 

Emerald and I were heading up the mountain again, and were taking a rest by the bottom of it. She looked me in the eyes, and before I could whip my head away to avoid her glare, I noticed there was something new in them. She looked like she had human emotions for once, and her eyes were welling up with tears.

I expected her to quickly look away from me, or hide her sadness once again with anger. She caught me off guard when she buried her head in my shoulder and cried. I wasn't sure what to do, but I think my silence was enough for her. I stared over her shoulder, not sure when she'd stop. That was when I noticed we weren't alone. I saw a hand move amongst the snow, and my hand flew for my bow.

Emerald became alert and reached for a spare knife in her belt, but I waved her down. "I got this one." I hissed to her, letting her rest. She was in a weak state at the moment, and it was a kindness I could grant her. I approached the person carefully and silently. He didn't see me there yet, and I used my advantage.

Swiftly kicking his side, he let out a groan. I imagined it would be a sharp pain as he cried out trying to breathe. He held his side and fell back against the tree. "Please don't kill me." He gasped between breaths. 

"Yeah?" I laughed, kicking him again. I needed to look merciless now. Emerald needed a hero right now. "So why were you here then? Just to make friends? Its the Hunger Games you fool... You're better off dead if you can't kill me anyway." I was about to fire an arrow through his face, but I thought better. I went to my bag, knowing he'd be too scared to move. I took a huge knife, layered with gold and silver. I waved it in front of his face. "You're gonna die." I hissed. I shoved it into his chest, impaling his heart. His hands reached for it as he stared down in horror. "I need that." I said with a smirk, yanking it from his chest. "It wasn't yours." 

The cannon sounded, and I went back to Emerald. The look on her face was priceless. Even she was disgusted by how I killed people, but I knew it was only survival. I wanted to come home from these Games. At one point, she would be my enemy. I wondered who the people back at home were favoring right now. Either way, they'd have a winner, because I certainly didn't plan on losing to anyone else. Especially Everett. She'd be lucky to get killed by another person, because if I saw her again her death would be extravagant. I helped Emerald get up from her shaky state, and gathered our things quickly.

I led her up the mountain carefully, and we both trudged through the incredible amount of snow. My bare fingers clawed at the mountain's side, and I lost most feeling in them. I heard Emerald's teeth chatter. It was getting colder the longer we spent in this arena. It was still pretty early in the day, and it was freezing despite how hard the sun was blaring. I helped my partner find her way up the mountain, and it grew harder to move on.

"We need to rest," She insisted, her normal strength starting to return. I was eventually convinced and we took a break on a little foot-ledge wide enough for both of us to sit on. It was silent, excepting the noise of us trying to catch our breath. I closed my eyes, counting that she'd watch me. "Don't sleep." She growled. I opened my eyes and glared at her. I was tired, and I didn't care what she said. 

"I need to." I insisted. She shook her head and I saw pain in her eyes.

"Don't move." She hissed, staring behind me. I was tempted to turn around. "Don't. Move." She repeated with more emphasis.

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