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Kankri had absolute lost it, he broke down and was having an absolute tantrum. 'This cannot be, it cannot be..' His mind was going crazy, so many things rushing into his head. He was panicking, his heart  was pounding like crazy. He couldn't take the idea of Mituna going through this. All because he was stupid and arrogant enough not to pay attention. 

"woah there chief chill!"  Cronus yelled as he grabs a hold of Kankri and pulls the Cancer troll into a hug. "shh.. it's alright ey? Just relax. It's okay."   

Cronus was being very affectionate at this point, lightly petting Kankri's back and holding him close as if dear to him. And Kankri, being the wreck that he was right now allowed it. He needed to relax, and the sea dweller's affection was somewhat helping.  

God what was he doing. After a couple of minutes he quickly pulls away, even if it did felt nice it felt wrong at the same time. He shouldn't be getting hold by Cronus, he should be over to where Mituna was, seeing him. God.. he's probably scared to.. "i'm sorry Cronus.. i.. i can't right now please..  I need to go see Mituna." 

Giving a small smile  Kankri turned around and heads over to the door only to be grabbed by the arm and yanked back. Stumbling a bit at the sudden yank even letting out a loud yelp when he did. Kankri gave a confused look. "Cronus what is i-" Before Kankri could finish his word was muffled by a kiss.  

Doing his best to push Cronus away though the tight grip on both his wrist was hard to pull away from when he did manage to he gave a surprised look.

"What's so fucking special about Tuna? i've been trying so hard.. and yet here you are forgetting me and going straight to him. Kankri please, just stay with me for a bit."  Cronus spoke softly though that didn't work. Kankri couldn't with this it was all to much. Quickly slapping Cronus and wiping his mouth he pushed the Violet blood away and rushed out his own hive. All he wanted to do was see Mituna. 

All we wanted to do.. was be with him. And that's was he was on his way to do. Before he loses himself.  

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