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Quentin shivered as he made his way to his dad's house. With everything going on at Brakebills, he hadn't had the time to check on him.

I 'm a terrible son he thought to himself. Yeah, he had shown his dad his powers, but he still hadn't been spending that much time with him.

With his hands shoved in his jacket, he arrived at his father's house. Knocking on the door Quentin rocked on his heels awkwardly, waiting for his dad to open the door.

He opened the door and although the shock in his eyes was evident the exhaustion on his face was, even more so.

"Hey dad," Quentin said as his dad let him in

"Quentin, I wasn't expecting you son, how have you been?" He asked slowly shutting the front door.
Quentin took his backpack and hung it on the hooks by the door.
"I've been well, busy at school."

They walked into the living room
"How's the uh..." his dad trailed off

"The magic?" Hey asked. His dad nodded. "It's good, you know, it's going"

They both sat in silence the awkwardness was slowly subsiding.

"Do you want anything to drink?" His dad asked getting ready to get back up.

Hard liquor, he thought, but instead he replied "uhh some tea, but I can make it, you stay here. "

"Quentin, sit down. This is my house, and I'll get you some tea." With that, his dad got up, struggling, and coughing, but he still went on into the kitchen.

Quentin sat on the couch legs close and arms on his lap awkwardly. He flipped his hair and stood up. He picked up a picture frame that was near the TV. The picture was of his mom and dad when they were young.

It made Quentin smile. His dad was a great man, or he had tried his best to be, yet he was going to die. What bullshit he thought, putting the picture down he moved to look out the window. He was lost in his thoughts, thinking about Alice, he was pretty sure he loved her, but maybe it was infatuation.

He thought about The Beast and how- his thoughts were interrupted when he heard a thump coming from the kitchen.

He bolted into the kitchen and could only imagine what had happened to his dad.

He was on the floor in front of the stove, sprawled out. Quentin's heart dropped. As he dove on the ground, cradling his dad's head in his lap.

"Dad! Dad! Shit, dad. Answer me, please. C'mon dad, you can't die" his voice was thick, and the emotion could be heard in his voice.

His dad opened his eyes slightly and slowly.

"Quentin" he gasped

"Dad! What is it" Quentin asked

His dad smiled, and then he began laughing.

Quentin was confused.

"Quentin, Quentin, Quentin" his dad laughed, but it wasn't his voice anymore.

"You never learn, do you?" and in a flash of second his father's body transformed. Before him, lay The Beast.

Quentin didn't know how to react, but one question came to mind "where's my dad?" He asked his voice now shaking with anger.

The Beast stood up, towering over Quentin, he scrambled to his feet.

"Oh that old man, well you could say he's in a better place now." His voice was booming; it filled the space.

Dead. His dad was dead. All because of him.
Before Quentin could process what he was doing his hands began to move on their own accord, but The Beast was quicker.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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