Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
He kisses you and..
*Door slams open*
You pull away from Tayler
Brooklyn: Hello!? Why is it so dark in here!
y/n: Hey, Brooklyn ...sorry Tayler and I were just watching a movie. I forgot to tell you.
Tayler: Hey Brooklyn...
Brooklyn: Hi, so your the person next door. Nice.
Tayler: Yep, I think I might just go it's already 2:00 a.m.
y/n: I'll walk you to the door.
You and Tayler walk to the door even though it was a short distance and you hug Tayler before saying goodbye.
The next day you woke up at around 12:00 p.m. and saw 27 missed calls on your phone! They were from Tayler!
You quickly tried to call him but there was no reply! You got ready and called back...

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