Dead and Gone [Alive and Shattered Sequel]

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Hey guys! Were so happy to start writing Alive and Shattered again! We missed the story and the characters so much! I just wanted to quickly thank my cowriter for being AMAZING! And I wanted to thank shadows_ for her amazing work on the cover!

The keys rattled wildly on my keychain as I locked the front door of the bookstore. Jaime, my co-worker started babbling about her life and it took all I had to pay attention to what she was saying. I was feeling really down today and it didn’t help that I worked the nightshift. Who even goes to a bookstore at night?

As she continued to complain about her ex-boyfriend, we started our walk towards her place. Jamie’s apartment was on the way to mine, so she felt the need to walk with me. Anyone could tell that she liked me, but Jaime reminded me of Jackie and Jackie was a part of my past. Anything to do with the past ended up with Adena

The past was something I tried to stay away from. After All, all it did was bring me pain. It seemed, though, that the past was always haunting me.

When we reached her apartment building, I stopped at the bottom of the stairs that led inside. She started up the stairs but turned to face me.  

“Thanks for walking me home,” She said, smiling sweetly. Nodding, I couldn’t help but think: It’s not like I had a choice. “You know, my roommate isn’t home.” She began, pointing toward the door. “Want to come in and watch a movie or something?”

“Not tonight.” I stated in the same way I had last time.

“May I ask why not? I’m just trying to be friendly.”

“Because, I’m not looking for a relationship,” I turned around and walked away, feeling a slight sense of annoyance.

“I just want to be friends!” She huffed, storming inside her apartment complex.

“I don’t want friends,” I mumbled, starting off towards my apartment.  I couldn't help but feel the same heart aching emotions I felt all the time; the constant uncomfortable ache in my heart that was excruciating.

To this day, I still couldn’t believe that it happened. That five years ago, I lost her. The pain drove me insane. It was crippling. It made me want to stop everything.

I couldn't go on...but I had to and I wasn't happy about it. Sometimes, I just wanted to leave.


Shaking my head, I thought back to the words Grady, my roommate, had said: "Just keep fighting."

How was I supposed to keep fighting when I didn't have anything to fight for?

Although it was spring, the air still held a crisp chill. Zipping up my jacket, I told myself to stop thinking about her.

I couldn't though.

I couldn't make the voices stop. They tempted me to open up the wounds of the past. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I shook my head again. I had to stop thinking.


I glanced around trying to find something; anything to get my mind off of the past.

Turning the corner, I looked up towards the roof top. Thinking back to six months ago, when I had given Cassie my whole life story, I saw how much that ruined me.

Before talking with Cassie, I had somehow found a way to shut out my thoughts during the day. By not thinking about the bad memories, I had managed to find a way to make life okay.

But, by talking to Cassie, I reopened the wounds and now all I could do was think of her.


Dead and Gone [Alive and Shattered Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now