Chapter 3

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"This will be your room, across is Amaimon's and mine is at the end of the hall, go on in, your things are already in place, Amaimon will show you to where you want to go, I have a metting with some exorcists so I can't stay," Mephisto said, pointing to a blue door.

Rin nodded and thanked him, opening the door. To his surprise the room was bery simple. It had light blue walls, a bed, a wooden desk, a little bookcase, a closet, and another door, to what he guessed could only be a bathroom. The view out the window showed a beautiful view to the forest.

"Do you like it?" Amaimon asked, sucking on a lollipop. "Yeah, thanks" Rin answered, stepping into the room. "I told aniki to paint it blue and change the furniture, according to a book I read humans like simple things." Rin looked at his half-brother smiling slightly, "Thank you I appreciate it." Amaimon brushed slightly and looked away. "You don't have to thank me."

Rin nodded, "Can you show me to the kitchen. I'd like to help Ukobatch, and... umm, where is Kuro?" Amaimon nodded starting to walk away, "Your demon cat is out, said he wouldn't be back until you where here, he also said something about not wanting to become our dinner." Rin chuckled, "yeah that sounds like him."

"Little brother?" "Yeah?" Rin asked. "Don't harm yourself anymore, I need you, and aniki does too. Don't leave us alone." Amaimon mumble stopping in front of a door.

Rin stopped as well, staring at Amaimon in surprise. "It's in there." With that Amaimon ran down the way they had come, leaving Rin alone.

-Bon's POV-

'What was that all about, could it really be true that they are all brothers, why do I even care, Rin is the son of Satan I should despise him, the blue night destroyed my life, but he's nice, he has also suffered, and he didn't decide on Satan being his father, he's just a victim like me.' I thought, my mind having an internal battle on wether to trust Rin or hate him.

All of today's events replaying in my head. "Bon!" Shima yelled snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Wha...What?" I asked confused, 'when did he get here'. "I've been calling you for hours what are you thinking about?"

"Ugh, nothing" I said sitting up in my bed, shuffling to the side to make space for him. "Don't use that on me, I'm pretty sure you're thinking about Rin aren't you?" He said smirking.

I said nothing only confirming what he said, "ha, I knew it, so how is he anyway, you leaves is without an explanation, you know." I nodded and looked at my hands.

"He's okay, at least I think he is, mentally I'm sure he's destroyed." Shima seemed to understand what I said only nodding, "what do you think Okumura-sensei will do to Rin when he sees him?" I shook my head, "Nothing, Mephisto went to see Rin and took him saying he would take care of him, also he moved Yukio into the dorms, this one's."

Shima looked at me with a perplex look. "Aaaah man, why does everyone get to experience all the fun things!" He whined. I looked up sharply. "That's it!" I said getting more excited as I thought about it. "What's it?" Shima asked confused. "I'll explain later," I yelled, already running out the door.

-Yukio's POV-

'I can't believe this! Why did the doctor have to tell Suguro, Suguro has nothing to do with this, this is all nii-san's fault if only he had cut somewhere, were he wouldn't have been found.' I strive towards my dorm with heavy steps.

"Nii-san?" I ask, stomping faster. "Rin! Where are you?!" I yell losing my patience. I reach our room door and see a pink paper on the door. I stop and look at it.

The paper was pink, with a white dog on the front. I quickly grab it and read it, getting angrier with each word.

Dear Yukio,

BonrinKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat