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"I will always take care of you, my dear..."
             -Itward To Fran

Itward is Fran's companion and friend since childhood who faded from her memory over time until she slowly began recalling him He claims that he's always existed, and that when children "imagine" him, they do it because he's already existing and imaginable. He appears in Fran's dreams and throughout brief moments in the game in which he assists Fran.

He appears to be some sort of protector of mentally ill (or declared mentally ill) children and has been sighted by all the patients at the asylum, staff and doctors believing him to be and imagination. It's stated that he is "gray"; neither too bright or too dark. He previously tried to assist the twin sisters Mia and Clara, but they wouldn't listen to him and even blamed him for their misery. Later, in attempt to kill him for the things he didn't do to them, they ended up killing each other instead. In death, they still hated him and seemed to blame him for sewing them together which in fact was not all that case.

He also appears to be somehow associated with or even linked to the numerous client paintings in the asylum, and it's suspected he may watch over the wechildren in the asylum through said paintings, seeing as many of them are torn in the nightmare world as if someone had escaped from them. Under the effects of Duotine, Fran even sees Itward himself as an insane-looking clown  that does nothing but laugh. That being said, unlike her slightly rest of the clown pictures, Fran doesn't really appear to be afraid of Itward, meaning he might resemble a more comforting version of the true intention of the clowns, ironic as it should be the other way around; clowns being meant for fun and skeleton's usually seen as frightening.

In the end, like the rest of all the extraordinary things happening in the entire story, it's not quite certain wether or not Itward truly ever existed speculated insanity and loneliness.

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