chapter one ➝ welcome back

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Percy was very proud of himself. Why you may ask? Because, he was a Prefect and a Head Boy now. He couldn't help but give a freckle-faced smirk just thinking about it. With his arms crossed, he leaned his head back and looked out the window as the Hogwarts Express reared down the tracks and towards the castle-like school. It was the first day back after summer and he could feel the excitement building up inside of him.

Upon arrival at Hogwarts, the young male got his his feet swiftly (after being so rudely woken up by one of the twins) and left the compartment, checking to make sure that his shinny badge was still pinned to his breast. Percy went out into the corridor and, smiling slightly at Penelope (who he had caught a glimpse of), left the train with all the other students. He didn't talk much to anyone as he followed the other students, too preoccupied by his own thoughts. Percy filed into the Great Hall once he got out of a carriage, and took but a moment to gaze at all the decorations and flickering candles.

Percy sat himself down at the Gryffindor table and looked around with slightly squinted eyes. A few seats away, his brother Ron was talking to his friends Hermione and Harry. Near them were his other brothers, Fred and George who both spoke with stupid grins on their faces. Percy snickered a bit and looked around the table. Soon, another 7th year, who went by the name of Oliver Wood, sat a couple seats away from the ginger, talking lowly to his friends.

Percy and Oliver's eyes met for a split second and the male with the dark hair smiled at the Head Boy. That split second ended, though, when Percy looked up at Professor Dumbledore who was now speaking. The great wizards voice echoed throughout the Hall and when he mentioned the Head Boy and Girl, Percy couldn't hold back the smug look that stretched across his pale face or the way that he puffed his chest out, feeling extremely important once more. He scarcely caught a glimpse of one of his red headed brothers rolling their eyes. He just sniggered and glanced away.

Eventually Dumbledore finished speaking, once he introduced the two new teachers who were Professor Lupin and Hagrid, and the feast began. The golden platters that lined the long tables filled magically with food and Percy started filling his plate as well as his mouth. That's when Oliver turned to him, taking a drink to clear the food from his mouth.

" So, Percy, long time no see, huh? "

Percy looked up at the male from the tops of his eyes and swallowed the food that was in his mouth before shrugging his shoulders a bit.

" It's only been a couple of months since we last saw each other. "

Percy replied in a matter-of-factly voice as he scoped some pudding into his mouth. Oliver's small smile faltered a bit though he took another bite of food to hide this from Percy. The two ate in silence before Oliver tried starting another conversation.

" This is our last year . . . Are you excited? "

The red-haired male thought for a second before giving a small nod of his head, eyes flickering down to his pin.

" I suppose. "

He said and cleared his throat, leaning back in his chair while crossing his arms stiffly over his chest. Oliver gave a nod in return and gazed down at his plate. He wouldn't admit it, but he found talking to Percy Weasley extremely difficult. Unless the conversation was about schoolwork or being Head Boy, that is. But, to his surprise, Percy spoke next.

" So, Oliver, you're captain of the Quidditch team, right? "

Percy asked quietly and looked around the table once more. He took note of the few first years who were looking bewildered and excited all at once.

" Yes! And you know what? We're most definitely going to win the Quidditch cup this year! "

Oliver muttered out enthusiastically as he took another drink from his goblet. Percy nodded slowly and his lips twitched upwards ever so slightly. It would be a lie to say that he thought Quidditch was interesting because to him, it wasn't all that spectacular. It was just some silly game in his eyes and wasn't nearly as important as doing his work but Olive thought otherwise. Oliver thought the game was way more important.

" Yes, I hope so. It's been awhile since Gryffindor has won. "

Percy replied. Oliver opened his mouth to speak again but Dumbledore interrupted him saying that it was time for everyone to go up to their rooms and retire for the night. Percy stood and started exiting the Hall while Oliver went to follow him though the mass of people leaving made it extremely difficult for the young male. Percy marched up the moving staircases and stopped when he got to the portrait of the fat lady. The other members from the house were waiting for the new password.

" Coming through, coming through! "

Percy called from behind the crowd.

" The new password's 'Fortuna Major'! "

Upon hearing the password, the portrait swung open and the crowd spilled into the common room. The girls and boys talked as they split up and went to their separate dormitories. Percy climbed the stairs and went up to where his was. Oliver, having managed to catch up to the ginger, was now following him up.

" Man am I tired . . . "

Oliver said whilst yawning and made his way into the room, heading over to his four poster bed. He took his shoes off and begun changing out of his robes. Percy acted as if the male wasn't there as he himself got ready for bed. He took his robes off and folded them neatly with his other things (Double checking to make sure his pin was still there). Percy then yawned softly and went to his own bed.

" G'night Percy! "

Oliver called from his own bed as he laid down and started pulling the curtains closed.

" Goodnight. " 

Percy replied simply and gave a light sigh as he did what the other male did. He cuddled up under his blankets and pulled them up over his head. It didn't take long for him to drift off into sleep, Oliver's soft snoring only lulling him to sleep further.


I know this chapter sucked. But I promise it will get better! This was just the first chapter and I didn't know what to do.

But thanks for reading anyways!

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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Quidditch ➝ Perciver जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें