• chapter 1 •

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I woke up to the sweet smell of coffee and the chill of the morning. There was dew outside and on the windows. When I walked into the kitchen Eggsy was standing there looking perfect as always making breakfast.

"How are you love? Are you feeling better this morning?" he said so sweetly. "I made you your favorite pancakes and a coffee with cream. I hope this helps with that nasty nightmare."

He walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. I started blushing profusely questioning how dumb I must've looked. How did end up with such a great guy? Only a miracle could've made this work out. I began to eat, watched the news, and started to space off.

- flashback to old mission | spring of 2020 California, United States of America -

     It was an average day at the CIA. Paperwork, paperwork, and more paperwork. It was my job to find out about other secret services around the world. I wish I wasn't cooped up in the office all day again.

     It was lunchtime and I decided to go to a local bar with a few colleagues. We talked, got food, and eventually decided it was time to go back to work. Until, a young man wearing a suit with gelled hair and dress shoes walked in and ordered a drink. I was startled at first to see a man with a suit walk in to a bar. Who is was this? Is he new? He spoke with an English accent and ordered a shot of whiskey. My colleagues weren't interested in the newcomer, so they said their goodbyes and left.

     I was very curious of him. Where had he come from? What was he doing here?  I was about to approach him, but he walked straight up to me and said, "Hello. I noticed you from across the bar. What is your name?" I was very shocked of how smooth it was.

"My.. My name is.. uhhh.. y/n, um, yeah it's y/n," I stuttered looking like a fool.

"Well, y/n it was a pleasure meeting you my name is Eggsy Unwin. Maybe we'll see each other again sometime," and he left.

- end of flashback | present day -

     I gathered my bag full of papers, almost dropping them all on the floor until Eggsy came in and grabbed it all in one sweeping motion. "That was quick!" I replied. "You've got to move on your toes. I'll miss you while you're gone. I love you y/n. Don't forget that," he responded quickly as he hugged me and sent me out of the door.

     I got to the office just in time for our meeting. Ughhh. I have to sit through another boring drill meeting. I wonder what Eggsy's doing right now... probably doing something dangerous.

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