Chapter 1: The Watch

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"Senpai- Fuji was always been a sadist…" Momo commented when they remember the answer of his senpai in their interview with the Journalism Club.

"No, he isn't. He is a masochist. I pity him because he wanted someone like Coach Riyuzaki. It's beyond my imagination that he really likes old woman with an old fashion sense that also have not only a hard head but also have a stone heart. Eew! How horrendous…" Eiji stated.

They were walking together along the bridge.

Then Momoshiro stopped when he noticed some flowers floating in the water. They tried to find out where it came.

And on their view, they saw someone threw the sakura flowers one by one.

"Even though he's energetic in school, he still couldn't manage the loneliness inside his heart," Eiji murmured.

Momo silently nodded.

"If I can turn back the time… I'll do everything to avoid that accident…" Ryoma whispered while he threw the last flower.

His eyes followed where the flowers heading and from then, he saw his senpais- Eiji and Momo over the bridge.

Eiji waved his hand with a V-sign.

Ryoma ignored them and instead he went up to the road. He just stopped when an old man stood in front of him.

The old man handed him a wrist watch.

"You need to choose. Go t o the future or in the past…" the old man said.

"Huh?" Ryoma stared at the old man and glance on the wrist watch on his hand. He didn't understand what he was saying.

"I gave it to you because it is what you wished for… but don't blame me. I just wanted you to realize something, " the old man said then walked away.

"Wait! Who are you?" Ryoma shouted but the old man was gone.


"A time machine, isn't?" Momo asked.

They were under the bridge.

“That can't be!" Ryoma insisted.

"Oh-chibi, that sounds interesting. Let's try!" Eiji said with full of energy while he hugged Ryoma.

"But that just a joke!"

"If you don't want that, then give it to me," Momo said then he snatched the watch from Ryoma.

"Hey, I wan'na try it too. Give it to me! Give it to me!" Eiji demanded while he tried to get the watch.

But Momo refused so he raised his hand higher.

"Hey, hey, I'm your senpai, you must follow my orders!"

"Eh? That's a bad attitude, Senpai-Eiji. You shouldn't force your kohei just because you're higher," Momo defended.

They tried to grab the watch from each other. But then, they stopped when they noticed that the watch was already on Echizen's hand.

Ryoma started to adjust the watch.

A portal suddenly appeared in the wall. It show images on what happened on the past as Ryoma adjusted it. He stopped adjusting it when he saw Jei-dy arrived on their school.

"Oh-chibi… don't tell me that you will try to stop that accident?" Eiji anticipated.

"Hoy, hoy, do you have any idea if you will change the past? It will be a big mess!" Momo warned.

"I don't care," Ryoma said carelessly then went inside the portal.

"Oh-chibi / Echizen!" they tried to stopped him but… it's too late.

Ryoma was in the past now…

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