pinkish blue (3)

94 25 19

She whispered his name In front of knights.
Her cheeks turns to blue
The punky grass below, where perished into the
Fragments of the colour...,





He thought his sight is turned to blue..
She seems more bluish and pretty as her cheeks were in pinkish blue,

Vividly ! It's her






This is mere insane..
Her cold heart beat up to the moon ,its back is always a secret as her soul,

She couldn't open her heart to this blue guy,recently whoose sight perished into blue
She rub her lie where she stores her pain
She opened her lips once it was tightened by her,

She thought it was won't be accepted by him..His love of life,
But she can't store the pain cause her heart doesn't allow her
Fragments of her life whisper the purity of her soul like she didn't know how to love or being loved,

"How you know about me ?" The words from his mouth flourished like a blue ink drop if it poured into water.. His words spread through a million of scars which always intoning her perfect name,

I was cursed. Cursed by her...She dare like a pinkish blue devil

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