Shadow x Maira (Plans)

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Ship name: Shara
Oc: Maira (Mai_ra_san_) The oc is suppose to be call M actually but I'm used to Maira >_<

Anime/Game/etc: Kaitou Joker

A/N: Shara is OTP, seriously ^0^ Might be Ooc since I'm not too sure on personality

Side ocs: Bold (me), Crescent(skyla_san) and Pinko (Pinko-Chan
"BOLD!! CRESCENT!! PINKO!! LET ME OUT OF HERE!!" Maira banged on the door loudly. "I DON'T TO DIE EARLY!!"

"QUIET YOU IDIOT!" Shadow threw a nearby vase at Maira which she dodged.

"Hey! That almost hit me!" She exclaimed turned her attention away from the door.

"Well, that would be nice," the male scoffed.

"Why you!-" Maira took a deep breath and relaxed. "What actually happened?"

"You forgot already? Well, that's expected of you," he looked at the girl with unreadable eyes.

"Oh shut up -_-""

"Well," Shadow switched to storytelling mode. "It went like this....."

"Rose, why is this so important to you?" Shadow looked at his sister with confused eyes.

"Don't you want apple pie, Onii-chan?" Rose asked with a basket at hand.

"Of course I do!" Shadow exclaimed. "But why do we need to go to her house?!"

"Because Bold-chan and Pinko-chan said they would bring some good quality apples to Maira-chan's house!" Rose smiled and explained.

"But why her house though........." Shadow muttered. "Did you say something, Onii-chan?" Rose turned to him but Shadow shook his head and didn't utter another word.

‘I hope this works’ the time witch prayed the secret plan would work. (Bold: Hohoho~ Crescent: Go back to your spot -_- Bold: Fine (._.))

Ding dong

"Who'll get the door?" Pinko asked everyone who was in a circle playing Uno.

"You," everyone replied without looking away from their cards.

Pinko felt sweat drop. "Maira, this is your house. You should get it."

"And you're the guest so you should follow what the owner of the place says," Maira shot back.


"Is anyone even there?!" Shadow screamed from outside the door. "Onii-chan! Don't punch the door!" Rose exclaimed from the other side too.

"Fine, I'll get it," Maira sighed and stood up. "For the sake of my door of not being destroyed!" She ran to the door (or charged?)

She opened the door painfully slow to tease the brother and sister until the brother slammed open the door.

"Talk about impatient," Maira scoffed.  "Urusai!" Shadow insulted back.

"Hey Rose and Shadow!" Crescent waved at the two. "Hi Rose and Shadow," Bold said but didn't look away from her cards. "Hello Rose and Shadow!" Pinko said.

"Hello, Crescent-chan, Bold-chan, Pinko-chan and Maira-chan!" Rose gave a sweet smile. She hit her brother's arm and glared at him.

"Hey! What was that for?!" Shadow exclaimed. "Say hello to them!" Rose pouted. Crescent quickly took a picture of it and send it to Cranberry. "Fine, hello!" Shadow says quickly.

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