Chapter Eleven

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It's Thursday, almost the weekend. I still have barely eaten. I had a granola bar and some water this week so far. I'm beyond the part of hunger where my stomach hurts, and now it feels fine.

I've been really zoned out for the past few days, thinking about Ronnie and the pregnancy. I don't remember something happening a few minutes after it happens. I don't bother looking at myself in the mirror, I already know what I probably look like. Kasey tries to talk to me, but she gives up after a few minutes most of the time.

Not to mention I've been dealing with your typical signs of pregnancy.

The only thing I notice at all is when my ex-best friend, Kaylee, looks at me. She always has that look. She's had it since I met her in 2nd grade. It was a look that says, "I'm better than you, bitch," and now, it's a "Even after all these years, I'm still better than you," look.

I don't know what her problem is lately, but she's been looking so smug lately. We haven't spoken since ninth grade when I told her I always hated her.

I met Kaylee for the first time over the summer before 2nd grade. On the first day of third grade, I saw her on the playground. I hit her in the back of the head, not hard, only as a joke. But she got really mad, anyway. She made me feel popular, and I didn't want to lose her as a friend. So I apologized and she forgave me.

All during third grade, her bitchiness didn't bother me much. I bent over backwards to make her happy.

I had never really had any friends before, so I thought that was how friendship worked. But during the following summer after 3rd grade, her bitchiness started to get to me.

I started saying no to some of the things she said, things like, "Get in trouble so I have someone to talk to on the bench." We went to daycare together, and when kids got in trouble, they had to sit on a bench until we were told to get up.

She always got mad when I said no. Of course, every time I made her mad, she would get me in trouble for things I didn't do and telling me things like, "I only became your friend because I felt sorry for you." And she wouldn't even say it to my face, she sent someone else to say it for her.

Another thing, we had other friends in our little daycare group. Every time one of us did something wrong, we were expected to listen to Kaylee and not talk to them, and if someone did, she got mad at them, too.

Anyways, one day, Kaylee and some other friends of hers started throwing grass and dirt in my hair and face. I got up and started running, hoping they would give up and stop throwing stuff at me, but they started throwing sticks too. So I got mad, ran up to Kaylee, and hit her in the face. She ran up to the daycare teacher and told on me.

For the next three days, we didn't talk to each other. Then I had the idea to stay her friend and learn as much secrets as I could about her. Every time she got mad at me, she gave me the look. I stayed her friend but secretly hated her until the end of 5th grade. I didn't go to daycare that summer, I had just moved to another town and I didn't want to go anyways.

Once you were in 6th grade, you couldn't go to daycare anymore. I went to a different middle school than Kaylee. So I didn't see her for three years. In sixth grade, my first friend was a girl named Marcy. I also met Alley.

In seventh grade, I finally started talking to Kasey. She moved to Nevada in fourth grade, but we never really talked until seventh grade. We were best friends all through that year and summer.

Me and Kasey also started to cut ourselves that year, not together, but we both started having a lot of family issues then.

In 8th grade, Alley moved back to England to live with her girlfriend. She was bisexual. In ninth grade, Marcy commited suicide due to family problems. It was just me and Kasey after that.

After the first week of school, me and Kaylee saw each other for the first time in 3 years. She ran up to me and gave me a hug, I didn't hug back. She asked me what was wrong. I told her that I hated her and I always have. We haven't spoken since.

I walked out of the classroom and there she was. She walked over to me with a big, fake smile on her face.

"Hey! We haven't talked in forever! So, there's actually a reason I came over here. I heard you were pregnant. Are you?" She rushed out, looking at me with fake kindness.

"Uh. no," I said, trying to avoid having my secret get out.

"Really? That's weird, because Ronnie told me you were at dinner a few days ago. We've been seeing each other for weeks, isn't that great?" She asked.

My heart broke into a million pieces. They're dating? How could he...?

"He's really fucking weirded out by your pregnancy, and he hopes that you somehow miscarry so he doesn't have to deal with it. I told a couple people, by the way, "she said maliciously.

I should stab this bitch right here.

I decided to be the higher person and walked away. I kept getting funny looks from people, but I hardly noticed or cared. I just walked to the lunch room, even though I won't eat. I couldn't digest what she'd said about Ronnie. Did he really feel that way?

I found Kasey standing in line and walked up to her.

She smiled,"Finally decided to talk to me?"

"I'm sorry, I've just been gone for a few days, due to the pregnancy and all. Are you mad?"

"Of course not," She hugged me and I smiled. I'm pretty sure I was getting delirious from not eating. We stood in line and talked. People kept staring at us.

"Why are they staring?" Kasey whispered.

"Kaylee told people I was pregnant," I said.

"What? How'd she find out?" Kasey asked.

"She said Ronnie told her, and that they'd been dating for the past few weeks. I don't know if I believe her," I said.

"Um..." Kasey started, "Did I forget to tell you I saw them together at a restaurant the other day?"

"What?" I asked, and Kasey went on to explain what she saw, and that confirmed to me that what Kayla said was true.


She needs to eat more.

I noticed over the past few days that Legacy hasn't been eating, and that's gonna cause some kind of problem with her pregnancy.

Legacy walked over to Kasey and told her something, then left the cafeteria. I considered following her, but I chickened out. I figured she was just going home to rest.

I was almost done with my lunch when a boy I'd never met approached me.

"Is it true Legacy is pregnant with your kid?" He asked.

I almost choked on my food, and after a minute, I spoke, "Where'd you hear that from?"

"Kaylee said you told her. She's been telling the whole school. She's basically trying to ruin Legacy's life," the boy said with a chuckle.

I immediately got up from my seat and stormed over to where I knew Kaylee was.

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