Quality Time With the Crystal Gems

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The green Gem, Peridot, was hanging out with Lapis back at the barn. As roommates, they were always at each other's backs, and maybe the meepmorps they made.

The beautiful and powerful Lapis and the calculating and cute Peridot made an awesome duo. Peridot had a crush on Lapis, yet Lapis had always noted she had a platonic friendship with the green Gem. Always.

Lapis and Peridot were invited with by the Gems for some quality time with the Mystery Kids, who had been dropped off by the Musketeers. Dipper, Mabel, Coraline, Wybie, Norman, Raz, and Lili. Steven and the Kids had been the best of friends ever since they met.

Meeting up at the Temple, the Gems and the Kids came inside. 

"I am so excited to see you guys again," Steven said.

"Of course! All the refreshments, foods, and fun is all organized by me, the one and only Pearl!" Pearl said.

"Yep, Pearl's the best organizer," Garnet said, adjusting her shades. 

"I AM SO READY TO HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER WITH YOU GUYS!" the rowdy Amethyst declared, with a wry grin.

By what they just said, they perfectly exposed their personalities, and everyone laughed at this. Peridot's laugh was rather ominous and towered above the others, and she continued to cackle even after everyone stopped.

Dipper told the Gems about what had happened last night concerning the clown demon, and considering the fact the clown was sent directly from Bill Cipher, this was probably a big problem. The Gems had dealt with Bill before, but every villain always like to rise up again, don't they?

"MK's afraid of clowns!? Ha! I'm not afraid of anything besides maybe y'know Homeworld and all that..." Amethyst said, her tone slightly decreasing once she said 'Homeworld.'

Garnet plopped out of the kitchen with a tray of warm cookies and sweets, placing them on the table for the Kids, yet she made an entirely separate tray of cookies and garbage from outside for Amethyst, who scarfed them down greedily.

Coraline and Lapis were hanging out together, pointing out the color of their hair: blue. Peridot plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV, expecting Camp Pining Hearts, but something different: a new show that Steven said reminded him of Peridot entitled Terraformer Xim, which she constantly yelled at, claiming the titular character didn't resemble her even the slightest bit, even though Xim had a green complexion, cutesy and annoying attitude, and obsession with another summer camp show.

Raz, Norman, and Wybie talked with each other alone, waiting for a Gem to bond with them. Amethyst, who quickly finished the tray Garnet prepared for her, dashed to the trio and started eating their own food, to both their chagrin and laughter.

Their bonding time lasted for a few more hours, until something unexpected happened. A loud crash was heard outside, and the group ran out of the Temple, facing Beach City. There was a cloud of smoke issuing from the center of the town, a pile of debris around it.

"Huh?" Norman inquired, while Raz put on his goggles.

"Ready, Lili?" Raz asked, and the couple put their hands together.

"You don't have to be so dramatic yet," Coraline pointed out. "We don't even know what it is yet, you two." She glared a bit at Raz and Lili.

The group came down to the center of town, where some of Steven's friends such as Sadie, Lars, Ronaldo, Jenny, Buck, and Sour Cream were, nearly all of them filming the crash site.

Dipper, brave enough to get closer than the others, put a shaking finger on the object. He stroked its slimy casing, only for it to crack and blast the people close to it away. Murmur spread through the crowd as something emerged from it. 

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