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It was a sunny Saturday late morning in April. Cherry blossoms fell of the tree branches and lightly landed on the ground. Cars are driven very smoothly as people go to work. Everything was calm and faint, until a phone alarm goes off.

"Ughhhh" Jeonghan, who moved his face to the right, grabbed his phone and turned off the alarm. He checked the time and saw that he's supposed to get ready to go to Seungcheol's place. "Cheollie better be grateful I'm getting up for him." Jeonghan mumbled as he sat up, then stood off this bed and walked straight to the bathroom. 

After Jeonghan was done taking a piss and dressed up, he grabbed his belongings and locked up his apartment. "You seem to be in the rush!" Jeonghan looked at the person who yelled at him from down the hall. "Im not really in a rush, just got ready to slow, Seungkwan-ah!" He yelled back. "Well, whatever you say! Hurry so you can meet up with your boyfriend!" Seungkwan once yelled and quickly ran into his apartment before Jeonghan could swear at him. "Aish, that big mouth hoe." He made a fist and just walked it off.

He walked down the corner and made it into the busy street. He saw how everyone was either occupied with a boy/girlfriend or with their friends and giggling. Jeonghan suddenly thought about what Seungkwan had said earlier. "Do I really think of Cheol as a boyfriend? But he has a girlfriend. Plus, we known each other for a long time and he never showed any romantic things to me." He spoke to himself. 

Jeonghan still remembers this one time Cheol fell asleep on his couch during the last year of high school. They both was studying for their exams and no one really spoke. Jeonghan was drowned in his work and looked to his left to see if Cheol was working. Nah, he fell asleep. "This boy, I swear to god." He got up to fix Cheol's work, then headed to a closet and grabbed a blanket. He walked back to Cheol and stared at him. Seungcheol has sharp features, masculine body, but still has a cute smile. Jeonghan smiled to him self as he continue admiring Cheol.

Before Jeonghan gets more into his thoughts, he realized he's already by Seungcheol's house. He inhales and exhales, then walks up to the door and knock. The door opens to reveal Seungcheol's girlfriend. "Ah Cheollie~ Jeonghan is here!" He gave her a small smile. 'I'm the only one who calls him Cheollie' He thought. "Hannie, comee in~" Seungcheol walks to Jeonghan and pulls him in. 

Stealing kisses from your Mr's, doesn't make you freak out

"Sorry that my girl opened the door. I was going to do it, but she thought it was her friends." Cheol apologized as they both walked into the kitchen. "It's fine, but why did she mistaken me as her friends?" Jeonghan sat on the counter top as Cheol light a cigar, placed it between his fingers, and handed it to Jeonghan. He felt surprised at first, but leaned forward and took it into his mouth. "I told her I invited you over and she decided to invite her friends." Cheol sat up on the counter too and light his own cigar. "Are you fine with that?" He nodded and blew smoke out. They both continued chatting on the counter top as time went by. 

Building your boy's second story, ripping all your floors out

"I was thinking we should go out and get food." Seungcheol blurted out, making Jeonghan blush a little. "Sure, I'll pay." Jeonghan jumped off the counter and reached to his back left pocket, but Cheol grabbed his arm. "No, it's my treat." Jeonghan looked into Seungcheol's eyes and saw how sincere he was. "O-okay" He spoke in a low tone. "Alright lets go." Cheol kept his grip on Jeonghan's arm and dragged him out the kitchen and out the house. "Yah, Cheollie where are you going?" Seungcheol's girlfriend yelled as they walked out. "Out!" Cheol yelled back without looking behind. 

On the moving collecting numbers, imma take your boy out

Once they was at the place Seungcheol wanted to go, he let go of Jeonghan's arm. "Sorry, I didn't realized I was still holding onto you." Cheol winked at the red cheeks Jeonghan. "N-no its fine." He just smiled back. "But hey, I'm craving takoyaki" He hinted Cheol. "Takoyaki coming right up!" Cheol yelled with confidence and gave Jeonghan a little giggle. This time, Seungcheol grabbed Jeonghan's hand and made his heart beating crazy. People gave them a few stares, but Jeonghan just pushed it off. Seungcheol then found a Japanese street food stand and ran there. "Cheollie, we ran so much today." Jeonghan whined. "But you get good exercise. Now which one do you want?" Seungcheol handed the menu to Jeonghan. He pointed to one and watched as Seungcheol went up to the lady making it.

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