Chapter 21: John's Fight

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 "Come on, we have to keep moving," said Faith quietly. 

I brushed the tears welling up in my eyes away and took a deep breath. "OK, I'm ready now," I told her and followed the rest of the group down into the deep canyon. I couldn't help but thinking that if I fell off the side, I would get crushed to dust all the way at the bottom. But the thing was, that seemed to be where I was going to fight..... I swallowed hard.

This couldn't be happening. I was NOT fighting in the middle of a canyon. People sat in fold-up chairs, cheering and screaming wildly. This was just a form of entertainment for them! It was like the Hunger Games! I would not take the part of Katniss!!! Even though she's my heroine. Anyway, now was not the time to be talking about the Hunger Games. I had to focus on the task ahead of me.

"I GONNA DIE!!!!!" I cried, looking down into the pit of awfulness again. 

Faith eyed me weirdly. "Are you okay, Mulia? You look like you're going to puke!" 

"I think...I am!" I gurgled and clapped a hand to my mouth. Oh, reader, I felt so miserable. 

Faith jumped out of the stream of fire, just in case.

Marcus snorted. "You are just the dumbest of the dumbest fairies ever! You'll never survive this task! I will win and be victorious!" Marcus laughed a maniacal laugh and ran down the creaking steps, taking them two at a time. 

Faith and I groaned. Marcus was so annoying! We continued down the canyon, taking the steps quickly, because it was about to start.

Yep, we could already hear Linard yelling at the top of his lungs; "ARE YOU READY FOR THE SECOND TASK!" and then the crowd's cries of agreement back to him. "Now....for the champions!" 

"Hurry!" whisper-screamed Faith in my ear. 

We both sprinted as fast as possible. At the last second, we reached the bottom of the steps, me clutching a stitch in my side, and gasping for air. Linard was trying desperately looking everywhere for us. "I don't know where those kids walked off to..." He muttered. 

"We're right here, Mr. Linard!" shouted Faith.

Linard turned around and looked relieved. "Go out there girls, the fans are waiting!" Linard ordered. I followed Faith into the canyon. DOOM AWAITED ME! 

"I GONNA FAIL!" I cried as we entered the canyon. 

Faith eyed me nastily for the first time in my life. "Pull yourself together, Mulia! And second thought, use correct grammar!" 

I felt a lump in my throat. "Faith..." 

"Stop, just stop," Faith snarled, and turned on her heels. 

Some friend! I sighed, but followed Faith all the same. After all, she was my friend, even if she wasn't being the 'nicest' right now.

Linard smiled at the audience, and waved his arms all around. "CHAMPIONS, PLEASE COME UP HERE AND STAND IN AN ORDERLY LINE!" 

There was a slightly raised platform and a wooden floor. Shaking with nerves, I walked up first, and stood next to Linard. "Okay, just do exactly what I tell you to do, okay?" he asked quietly and I nodded. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, MULIA PER!" 

The crowd screamed and clapped wildly, and loudly. 

"NEXT, FAITH HUBNER!" hollered Linard and Faith walked up like a model onto the stage. 

I don't know how, but even though she was wearing dirty and ripped up clothes, she still managed to look gorgeous.


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