Chapter 1

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                Everyone knows about the original legend of Undertale about Chara and Frisk. But not everyone knows the Legend about (Y/N). The second legend says, the fallen human was (Y/N) and that was who turned all the monsters to humans and brought all the monsters to the surface.
                You were home, reading a book because you were bored. Later, you decided to take a walk outside, in a sunny day. You went to your closet and put on your T-Shirt with shorts and went outside. It was a hot, sunny day. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. Then, you saw a big mountain and wanted to claim it.
                When you reached the top of the mountain, you saw a big entrance and entered. You looked around, It seemed really beautiful. You took a step forward, not seeing there is a hole, and fell down on the stomach. Your head and right arm were hurting. It was was really hard to stand up, so you just rolled over on your back. There was hole really high above. You noticed you were in the pile of yellow flowers. You sat down. Then, you heard a voice...
- "Howdy!"
That was a flower, a weird flower, because flowers can't talk.
-"I'm Flowey, Flowey the Flower. Golly, you must be so confused! Well, I guess I will show you how things work around here."
You stood up, not knowing, should you trust him or not. You didn't thinked you should.
"So, in here you need to have a lot of LV"
-"What is LV?" You ask, trying not to show how confused and scared you are.
"LV stands for LOVE! You want some LOVE, don't you? Don't worry! I will share some with you!"
After those words, some white circles started to appear.
-"Down here, LOVE is shared through little white friendliness pellets. Collect as many as you can!"
You touched one of them, but it only hurted you.
-"You Idiot."
You knew you should've not trusted this flower.
-"In this world, it kill or BE killed!"
Those white friendliness pellets started to around you.
-"DIE" He says with a big grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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