Chapter 2

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The sun rose. The rooster woke Clementine. She did her morning chores . And her mother was there preparing breakfast when she returned just like every morning. It seemed like everything was the same, but Clementine recalled that that morning 6 years ago. The family didn't speak at breakfast, or while doing their chores, or while eating lunch or dinner. In fact they didn't speak at all, they only cried. The house was filled with sobs at night. Percy, Charles and Brian, Clementine, Jacob, their mother even little Sebastian cried. Clementine tried to not remember but everything she looked at reminded her of her father. "Good Morning Clementine, please set the table". "Yes mum". Percy along with his 4 brothers arrived and all sat. "Mum I might return late tonight". "Yes Percy, that's alright". Charles and Brian looked amused by how their mother had not asked the reason why,"Mum Charles and I might be late too". Their mother smiled,"And why is that?". They were unprepared,"Um see we have to...". She only smiled and continued to serve the little breakfast they were going to have. They all ate quickly especially Clementine. "Clementine don't eat so fast you'll get a stomach ache", scolded her mum. "Sorry mum". After she finished she grabbed her coat and walked into town. That day she noticed something she hadn't before, a dance shop. She ran to the window and stared at the beautiful dresses and shoes. There was everything, dresses to warm up, dresses before and after class, skirts, tutus and shoes of every style. Clementine wanted it all but her family and herself never had money to spare. She kept walking and finally arrived at Mrs. Pommels household where, like everyday, she was given a big list of chores. Today she wasn't able to go with Amanda, because the tasks she was given were really hard and took to much time. Clementine had the letter in her pocket and knew what she had to do. She heard the limo arrived and made up her mind.  Amanda ran to Clementine and hugged her. "Hello Clementine are you almost done I want to talk". Clementine swallowed, "Um yes just give me a few minutes". A few minutes later Clementine grabbed a tray with a teapot and a teacup and took upstairs to Amanda's room. She knocked and she opened. "Good thing your here come in please", she said pulling her," wait I didn't ask for tea". "Don't worry it's empty, it's just that your mum has to see me working to go in your room". "Ah I see well sit anyways". Clementine sat in a cozy arm chair. "Ok well I need a friend to talk to because...I haven't received my letter and maybe I didn't get in so they didn't even bother to send me something". Clementine had a hand in her pocket and felt the letter, "Actually I have to tell you something". She started to pull the letter but stopped and placed it back. "What is it". " want to learn ballet and I thought you can help me learn the basics". Clementine had never felt so bad but she knew she had to take this opportunity. "Oh I'm so glad you asked sure we'll start right now". "Now? But where are going to train?". Amanda smiled, "In here". She opened a door, which Clementine thought was her closet, which led to a studio. A huge studio with everything you could imagine. There were bares and a piano and dresses, leotards, and shoes for everything.  Amanda followed by Clementine went in."Wow, I've never seen anything this beautiful, except maybe that dance store I saw today. "Oh so you mean Dances and Dreams? It's a great store, it has everything!" Amanda ran to a cubbie and took out some ballet slippers, a skirt, tights and a leotard. "Here, put these on, they were mine a few months ago but mom got me new ones so I just save these in case", she said. Clementine stayed quiet and starred at her new things. Amanda frowned,"Do you not like it". "No", she said, "I love it". She ran and hugged her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you". "No problem, it's what friends do". Clementine took a long time changing because of the tights. When she finally came out Amanda said,"Ok lets get to work".  It was soon to be sundown and Clementine all tired of stretching and bending and pointing and flexing took the trolley as far as she could afford and walked slowly home. She arrived and supper was served. "Clementine, please explain your tardiness", said her mum. "Sorry mum I didn't mean to be late it's just that I". "Never mind that now, sit and eat your cabbage". Clementine quietly sat down and began to eat. Percy, as she knew wasn't there because of a job thing". Then she noticed that little Sebastian wasn't at the table. "Mum were's Sebastian?". Her mom looked worried."He's in bed, he doesn't feel well so he's resting right now". Clementine now understood her mother's worry. The Brown family had nearly enough money to eat, so whenever one of the Brown children got sick meals and materials were reduced. After supper, Clementine went upstairs to check on her brother. When she opened the door, her brother was in bed, looking sleepy."Hey Sebastian", she said in a soft voice. Sebastian was quiet. Clementine got closer and finally sat on the bed. "How are you feeling". He was still quiet but sat up. "I feel cold".  Clementine looked confused,"Cold?" She touched her forehead, then his. She knew what he had, but she decided to not tell. She helped him get up and told him to be only in his underwear. "Why, Clementine?" "Because when your sick it's best to not have many pieces of clothing on". Little Sebastian nodded and then went back to bed. She kissed him and went out to their small "meadow" as she called it. She ran far from where their brothers played and climbed one of  the big trees into her "tree house".  Her tree house actually consisted of a board set between two branches with a few things. She stayed there for a while then she slid on her rope and landed on the ground. She sat in her favorite spot, her swing, and thought about her brother. She couldn't tell her mom that his brother had a fever. There wasn't much medicine for that and whatever medicine there was, it was very expensive. She was afraid to think of the future. She remembered of a girl, when she used to go to school, that her brother got a fever and after a while it grew worse and finally her brother passed away. She stayed there staring out into the meadow as the sun went down. Then she put her hand in her pocket and felt the letter. She took it out and stared at it. It was wrinkled and stained but you could still read it. Clementine read it for the a millionth time and then put it away. She couldn't remember who she was. She lied to a friend, then asked her to teach and accepted a gift. Everything was going wrong. She wished that everything would go back to when she was a regular 12 year old girl with 5 healthy brothers and a mother. When she had a job and no secrets to hide and keep her awake at night. When she was a honest and good friend. But it was January 27th and she can't go back. She had to continue and she trusted that every piece will fall into it's place sooner or later. Her thoughts were interrupted by the yelling of her brothers. They were looking for her. She got up and ran to them before they could find her. She didn't want them knowing about her secret hideout. "There you are Clementine", said Jacob. "Yeah we were looking for you", said Charles. "Mum wants us to go inside", said Brian," it's going to rain overnight and she doesn't want us getting a cold". Clementine nodded and they ran back to the small cottage. Before going inside, Clementine put blankets over her goat and pig. "Stay warm", she said an went inside, thankful of having a home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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