Meeting their sister

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(Triplets POV)

Tarts? I love tarts! "Who are those boys," two girls were muttering," who were those girls? And, what are they doing in the palace?

(Your POV)

"Excuse me ma'am," Abby called waving her hand. She got the attention of a women from the kitchen, "do you know where the king and queen are?" She nodded and pointed down the hall.

"In that corridor," she answered. Abby and I ran to the corridor. "OK," I said, this is it! I get to meet the king and queen! Abby flung thew door open, "howdy, m-." She was stopped mid sentence by a gasp.

A fuzzy red haired teen with a green dress and a bow and quiver over her shoulder. Abby gasped again, "your Merida! From the movie brave!" She started squealing, fan girly.

I put my arm on her shoulder, " it's OK, calm down." She nodded. She shook her hard. "Anyway, I'm Abby, and this is y/n ,we're, um, tourists. The nurse sent us here, she said that you would send us to the guest room."

(My POV)

OMG, MERIDA !?!?!? Man, this day was just getting better and better. I love Pixar! If you don't believe me, look at my Pixar shirt! But how could we be seeing Merida? Did that clock throw us into the animated world? Probably!

"Yes, thanks for coming to Scotland! Where are u from?" The queen, Merida's mom! I told her, "America," you smiled, "same!" She pointed across the hall, "the guest room is over there," she looked outside, "go wash up, get comfortable, and come and have dinner in about an hour."

We smiled, "thanks!" I bowed to the queen and king, and when Merida tried to shake my hand, I hugged her. I turned around facing the three triplets with tarts in there mouth. They were Merida's brothers!

(Merida's POV)

This gal, Abby, is real out goin' but I wonder how she knows me! And her friend y/n was real sweet. I'm surprised my brothers didn't scare 'em off. They're real crazy.

Abby was bending down, saying hi to my brothers she seemed to think they were cute! "Aw," she said as she ruffled they're hair. I wanted to figure out who they were and why they were here and how they knew me, but right now we had a bigger problem.

"Mum one of the triplets, he's missing!" Where did he go! He was here like two seconds ago. Also my shoulders felt light. "And my bow and quiver!" Mum looked around, searching for the missing triplet.

"Well, I guess we're twins now!," said the two remaining triplets. I shook my head this was not a time for messin' around! My bow is missing and my quiver! Oh, and the missing triplet.

Where did the bow and quiver and missing triplet go! Keep reading to find out!

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