Finding Mars

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     Dedicated to QueenAye_  for the amazing covers she made for this book. I can't thank you enough, check out all of her works!


Nineteen year old Mars Lennon, smelt of lemon grass and sea-salt. Her soul stretched across the world so widely, as if it was the ocean itself. She was the sea.

      A beautiful chaos of conflicting waves, and harrowing tides.

      Her mind ran endlessly, a cascade of jumbled thoughts and locked secrets, it never stopped, even when she slept.

     They say; that's why she did it.

      In the earliest hours of July fifth, Mars Lennon allegedly leapt from the seascape cliffs to meet her soul.

      In the earlier hours of July fifth, Juno Wong fatally missed a text message from her best friend Mars, asking for Juno to meet her. Juno Wong, would never see her best friend again.

      When Mars Lennon, stumbled away from that party on the fourth of July to free herself, she only left a mystery in her wake.

A mystery that heartbroken Juno Wong, is adamant to solve.


This is; Finding Mars

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