Chapter 1

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"Why...why did this happen to me..? "What did i did to deserve this?" Tears spill out of y eye's as i "look at my dead parents in front of me. Who will guide me now?" I'm not even old enough to take care of my self. i'm only in second grade. My bird parents. My human self. 

Your pov

We were going to play in the water fall. Mother packed a lunch and dad had a blanket and towels. We were having fun till someone walked over to our blanket and basket."Can i help you sir?" My father said. Then he pulled out a knife."Give me all Money." His voice was gruff and scratchy."Please sir we don't have any". My mother said shakily. The man grinned and stabbed my father and mother. He looked at me and dragged his knife on my shoulder. I shrieked out in pain. He smiled and ran away. tears pooled out of my eye's. Then i saw a woman bird with black feathers. She looked at me in horror. She picked me up and ran me to the hospital. They stiched up my shoulder. I thanked them and walked to my house on top of the hill. I looked down at the sandy beach. 

I'm now 21. I was depressed and would sometimes cut. Nobody wanted to look after me. I guess i was to different. When i walked threw the streets everybody seemed to move out of my way. They looked at me like i didn't belong here. I look down and quickly made my way to the store. I get a basket and start putting stuff in there."Hey do i know you?" I turn around to see a red bird with bushy eyebrows. He smiled "i remember you from school." I smile back."Well well well if it ins't miss outsider". I groan and roll my eye's knowing who was behind me."What do you want Stella?" She just smirked."Oh nothing just watching the two little outsider's getting along."Call me that again and i will break you". I threatened."ooh i'm so scared what are you gonna do-" I punch her in the nose causing her to fall on her back. She stood up and held her bleeding nose. Just then the mayor came."Oh great what does he want?" I herd Red whisper behind me."What is going on here!?" He screamed."Oh mayor i was just trying to help (y/n) and she suddenly punched in the nose." I looked at her dumbstruck."Say what?". Then Red walked in front of me."That is not what happened mayor". Be quiet i don't want to here it!". "WHY DON'T YOU LISTEN FOR A CHANCE HUH?! Red screamed causing everyone in the store to look at us. He frowned. Both of you are going to anger management class starting today. I groan and Red rolled his eye's. I walked out with Red to the management class."He get's on my nerves". I nod in agreement. Up ahead i see a egg shaped house with flowers on it. There was a wooden bird in the front swaying back and forth. I kinda got angry with it and walked. Then it hit me on the head."Oww". I mutter. Red threw it to the building and elbowed it. I laugh as he tried to put it back on the pole. We turned to see a purple mother bird and son."Don't loo bobby it could be contagious. I roll my eye's and Red spoke."He started it". I giggle and walk inside with Red following behind."Oh look this is going to be awful". I shake my head and look around."Well that's art....That's Garbage...And that's exotic!" I herd Red say. I look at a table and see a diploma."free range wha?" HELLO THERE! Me and Red bump in to each other getting startled. I turn and see the same bird from the picture."I'm Matilda and i'm so exited to be taking this journey will you!" "You guys will have a blat! Everyone says i'm fun!. We walked threw a bead rope door to see three birds."Everyone say hello to our new friends Hello"."Hey!" The black bird said."Hey Apparently someone didn't get the memo that we like to start on time because you guys are two minuets late,Hi my name is chuck we got on the wrong foot and i can tell i like you a lot." The yellow bird said way to fast. Then I looked at the big Red bird. He just grunted. I smile"Hello everyone". Red sighed well hello birds i wont get to know well". He started walking away until Matilda grabbed him and sat him down next to me."Ya sure i'll just take a seat". I giggle and i swore i saw him blush. Alrighty then Red your problem was you and (y/n) here  had got into a fight at the store."


I walk out with dust covered all over my body And Red coughing."I'm going home bye guys i say" waling off."Wait i'll walk you!" Red yelled catching up with me. I smile and walk with him. Well this were i live". He had a confused face. It feels kinds lonely". I frown but then smile."It's probably nothing. I kiss his cheek and walk to my door."Good Night Red!" I say. He blushes and waves. I close the door and walk upstairs to my room. I lay down on my bed and let darkness consume me. Dreaming about a fellow Red Bird. 

Red's Pov

I lay in bed wide awake. Just looking up at the sealing. Thinking about (y/n). I touch my cheek. I felt my cheeks get hot. Well Then this should be fun,,,,

Angry Birds red x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن