Ch. 1 : The Start Of The End

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His name is Mark. He's my boyfriend. And he's tearing me apart. I'm only 14, and I already want to fucking kill myself. We've had a thing going on for the past few months, since summer to be exact; it's mid October now. We're not even dating... yet. But man, he's already driving me crazy. We can't date until he's 15 from what his parents said. Yet, he's acting like we are.. and I can't help but to go along with it since I'm head over heals for him(I was stupid). Half of me wants to leave already, but the other half is scared. You see, I'm currently in an abusive relationship. Emotionally. It sucks and I want to run and hide under a rock. Here, I'll tell you about how I got into this; how it all started with a simple charm.

Mark Toczin sent you a message :

Mark: I brought you something from Japan! It's something that has to do with our friendship

Jean: Really?! What is it!?

Mark: I can't tell you. It's a surprise.. but there's a catch to it in order for you to receive it..

Jean: What is it..?

Mark: In order for you to get this gift.. we need to do something.. a friendship ritual almost. Are you okay with that?

Jean: Yea! You're my best friend, so of course! Just tell me when.. make sure it's before school starts, because well.. we're about to start high school. ):

Mark: Alright! I'll go over Monday! And omg, I know.. too bad we aren't going to the same school. :(

Jean: Sounds good, dude! And yea.. but you'll still have Shorty! So no worries.

Mark: I know, but still.. going to miss the squad lol.
Hey, I gtg. Talk you you later!

Jean: Same.. )): and alright, see ya. Gn

Mark: Goodnight :)

Mark Toczin sent you a message :

Mark: Heyy I'm going over a day earlier than expected. Is that okay?

Jean: Yea, sure :p

Mark: Cool I'll be over in a few :D

Jean: I'll let my mom know then lol see ya!

15 minutes have gone by since then. I'm excited and scared about this. He's been in the Philippines for about two weeks now, so receiving a message from him, has been making my heart beat go faster. This is saying something, now isn't it? Of course it is! It's the feeling of feelings. A crush, a rush! What am I going to do?

There's a knock on the door before I freak out. I open it and there he is. Standing with a smile on his face and a small bag with foreign language written on it.

-Hey! Haven't seen you in a while, loser

-Sup, ugly. Glad to see you too

We fist bumb and I invite him in. He greets my mom who's cooking beans in the kitchen. We sit on the couch with my three annoying siblings and talk for a bit. After 10 minutes of annoying little minions crawling all over us, we decide to go outside.

We step outside and sit on the stairs upfront[I lived in an apartment at the time]. We talk about his trip to the Philippines. He's gone over to visit family and such. Must be nice. We laugh about the things he's done with his cousins and the pictures he's taken over there along with the embarrassing ones of both himself and his family. He's got a pretty big family, I tell you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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