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I wish I had never met you. Then there would be no need to impress you. No need to want you. No need for loving you. No need for crying over you. No need for pain or tears. No need for forgotten promises. No need for rejected hugs. No need for crying myself to sleep. No need for acting like you care. No need, for everything you've done to make me feel like absolutely nothing

; Margo

"Tryouts for this year's play are next week. You think I should try out?," she asked, looking to her friend who gave her a look of disbelief.

"Margo, you've gotta be kidding, right?," she asked. Margo shook her head.

"I've always wanted to but the plays never seemed all that interesting. I hear this one's based on a true story," she explained with a shrug. "What about you Olivia? You think it's a good idea?," she asked the brunette to her left.

"Eh, I think Celeste is right. This isn't really like you. And besides why would you want to? That Eli guy is the one who wrote it. You really wanna spend your time after school around a guy who wears eyeliner and straightens his hair?," she remarked. Margo shrugged indifferently.

"No one said I had to become his friend. He is a freak but he's a freak with decent writing skills," Margo spoke bluntly. Celeste sighed.

"Yeah but I heard from a few girls in the bathroom that he crashed a freaking Hearse into a wall to get that Clare girl not to break up with him. What if he pulls a knife on you?," Celeste asked as they made their way towards their lockers to switch out their books. Margo rolled her eyes.

"Don't be stupid. If he were that bad my dad would've had him expelled like he did with Fitz," she replied bluntly. "Just because he's a weirdo loner kid doesn't mean he's a homicidal psychopath," Margo chided.

"Okay whatever you say," Celeste replied in a sing song voice. Margo rolled her eyes once again as she grabbed her books for Advanced English and walked to Ms. Dawnes room to drop them off before she would head to lunch. She stopped just outside the door. Eli was the only one in the room, hunched over a black notebook and eating an apple. Margo walked in and put down her books on her desk, clearing her throat.

"Hey uh...Eli, right?," she asked. The boy looked up, pushing his shaggy, straight black hair out of his eyes. He nodded.

"Eight months in the same class and you still haven't learned my name?," he asked, raising both eyebrows. Margo rolled her eyes as she leaned back on the desk.

"Well I mean we're not exactly in the same friend circle," she replied flatly, crossing her arms over her chest. "Anyways I heard you wrote the school play," she began.

"What about it?," he let out a long sigh. He had this knowing look in his olive colored eyes. "If you're asking for the script you're not getting—,"

"I wanna tryout," she cut him off. Eli looked at her, scoffing in disbelief. Margo had to admit, he was cute, with the little gap in his teeth and the cocky smirk he used to wear when he would get his way. But in a Wake me up inside, I'm so angsty, I love screamo and death poetry type of way. Margo thought he was peculiar.

"You wanna tryout for the school play?," he asked. Margo let out an annoyed sigh, giving him the eye roll once again.

"No idiot, I wanna try out for the football team," she replied sarcastically.

"Ah so a week out of school doesn't seem to mellow out your snarky remarks," he gave her a derisive smile. Margo simply ignored his statement.

"Anyways, yeah, I wanna try out for the play. What day are they?," she asked calmly.

"Next Thursday," he replied and held out a small packet to her. "Better get to memorizing princess," he said it in this tantalizing tone that made her want to knock out his two front teeth with his own notebook. She snatched it from him, giving him a shiny, 'I really hate you' smile.

"Whatever you say, freak," she replied as she turned on her heel and walked out of the room, looking over the lines.

'Clara: "It's Vegas Night. A night when dreams come true. But is this a dream, Ari? Or a nightmare?"

Ari: "You're tearing me apart, Clara. Just tell me what you want."

Clara: "Oh, I'll tell you, but not with words." 

(Clara and Ari Kiss) '

Margo looked back now that she was a few feet away from the room. He was still scribbling in that notebook. Still eating an apple. "Freak..," she mumbled to herself as she made her way towards the lunchroom to meet up with Celeste and Olivia.


"You're gonna have to kiss him!?," Celeste practically shrieked, making Margo wince. 

"Not so loud!," she scolded, putting her finger over her lips. Celeste sighed. "I only have to kiss him if I get the lead role," she explained in a hushed tone. "I guess if I get Clara, I'll have to have my first kiss before then. No way in hell is Eli screamo-and-death-poetry-are-my-only-loves Goldsworthy going to be my first kiss," Margo vowed. Olivia let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank God, I'd cry for you if that weirdo was your first kiss," she confessed with a relieved look on her face.

"I'd hurl myself off the balcony by the gym if he was," Margo jested , a small chorus of giggles erupting from the group. The laughter abruptly stopped as that boy Adam made his way past their table.

"Eli may not be a looker but his friend Adam definitely is," Olivia murmured with a grin as she watched him walk towards the vending machine.

"I guess," Celeste shrugged indifferently. "I don't blame Clare for breaking up with Eli. She's so gorgeous, she literally could've had anyone here," Celeste exaggerated. Margo gave the two small shrugs as she finished her wrap. She never talked to the other two, but she didn't doubt that Eli had probably said mouthfuls to the two about her.

"I guess," the bell rang violently as she stood up, throwing out the remnants of her lunch. "I'll see you two later," she saluted the two playfully as she made her way to Mrs. Dawnes room, mentally preparing herself for the usual debate between herself and Eli about the realisticness of Romeo and Juliet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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