Chapter 9

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I grabbed my things and ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I was still crying and trying to keep my breathing steady. I had knots in my stomach and knew what was coming next. I lifted the toilet seat and puked. When I was finished I turned the shower on.

I didn't care if the water was hot or cold, I just hopped in. I took soap and rubbed my private area. I think I was hoping to wash the rape away. My breathing became faster and faster and I sank down to the shower floor and just cried. I cried and I cried. I wanted to leave and never come back. I stood up and turned the shower off. I dried myself off and slowly peeked out the bathroom door. The coast seemed clear and I ran off to my bedroom. I threw on some clothes and grabbed my backpack. I shoved in the little clothes that I owned and closed it up. I grabbed some money I had been saving up and put it in my pocket. I took the chair and lifted it over my head. I walked with it towards my window and hit it as hard as a could, breaking the glass. Something I would have done earlier if I thought I could make it out before Caleb opened the door.

I climbed out my window and just ran. I didn't really know where I was running to, just as far as I could get from the place I used to call home.

Eventually I started walking. Slowly. I was almost dragging my feet. I felt as though my body and my soul were separated from each other. Like I was empty inside.

I faintly heard my name being called from a distance.

"Max! Maxine!"

Suddenly a car pulled up beside me. I kept walking.

"Max!" It was my brother's voice. He was in the passengers side of Maddy's car. She parked it and he ran out chasing after me.

"Max!" He pulled my shoulder turning me to look at him.

I was a mess. I could still feel the pain on my face from when I was thrown against the bed. I'm sure it was bruised and still bleeding. I was sore all over and it showed.

"What the fuck happened to you?" He asked, shocked.

I wasn't going to tell him. Just thinking about it made me sick. Literally. Just as he asked I bent over and puked. Once I was done I fell to my bottom on the sidewalk and put my face in my hands trying my hardest not to cry.

He pulled me back up.

"Tell me" he demanded. I kept my hands over my face. I didn't even want to look at him. I was so embarrassed by everything.

Embarrassed that I couldn't defend myself. Embarrassed that nobody was there to rescue me. Embarrassed to be a victim.

I didn't want to stand here all day. I started crying as I tried to speak, "It-it's nothing. I'm fine" I lied. 

"Max. Tell me. Now." 

"I-I-I shouldn't have gone back home alone. I know better. I'm so stupid!" I screamed and pulled at my hair.

Elias pulled my arms down. "What happened, Max? Who did this?" I looked away. I was so ashamed. 

I took a deep breath, "Th-there was this man at home and-and I thought he was there for mom and he wasn't...and-and h-he was there for m-me...Please don't make me say it." I cried.

I looked at him. He had tears in his eyes and I knew that he knew.

I didn't want to be here anymore. This was awkward and uncomfortable and I wanted to go away. I started to turn around to walk, but he grabbed me again.

"Max, where are you going? Get in the car!"

"I don't want to go in the car, Elias. I want to be alone right now."

MaxTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon