Chapter 4

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{Chapter 4: Official assistant}

Your POV


After they were done dancing I rotated the camera and let the people watching take a look at everyone of BTS. "Thank you so much for watching Eat Jin!" I laughed and they all looked at the camera. "Oh! It's still going!" Jin ran up to the camera and waved.

"Love you!" He made a heart shape of his arms and I stopped the video. "Thanks for joining, (Y/n)!" Jin gave me a high five and I smiled. "No biggie." I answered.

"Miss. (L/n), we need you in room G6, please." Miss. Hyong said and I nodded. "On my way!" I answered and she closed the door. "Gotta go, good luck practicing!" I waved them goodbye and ran to G6.

I opened the door and mr. Chairman was sitting in his chair like usual. "(Y/n), sit down." he said and I nodded, sitting down. "I noticed how you are helping BTS in several ways, not that they are all bad or good." he started and I nodded.

"I want you to be their official assistant, since the last assistant was part of the ARMY and was freaking out the whole time, we had to fire her." he said and I nodded. "But, you will make the coffee still, right?" he asked and I chuckled with a nod.

"Of course, mr. Chairman. It's a pleasure." I smiled and he nodded. "Very well, here is your badge and your card. You are allowed in the rooms of BTS now." he said and I grabbed the badge and the card. "Thank you, sir. You won't regret it." I said and walked out of the door.


I walked inside and they looked at me. "How did you get in?" Rap Monster asked and I showed them the card. They all ran up to me and gasped. "Congratulations!" V smiled and I smiled back. "Thank you. So... what do you guys do on a daily basis if I may ask?" I asked and V grabbed my wrist.

"I'll show you." V gave me his signature rectangle smile and walked around the rooms. "Here we practice our dances." He said and I nodded. "And here we record and sing the songs." he showed me the room and I looked around in awe.

"And here is where we just chill, you know, where you guys recorded Eat Jin." V chuckled and I nodded. "Okay, thanks!" I smiled. I got another message, so I grabbed my phone. "OMG I WATCHED THE EAT JIN UR FAMUS" Hikaru sent and I facepalmed. "Am not." I replied back.

"Is that your friend?" V asked and I nodded. "The one who won the tickets." I rolled my eyes. "THE MEDIA IS BLOWING UP M8 CHCK DIS OUT" Hikaru sent a photo of people commenting on the Eat Jin episode. "BTW THX 4 TIX THO AFJKSD" I sighed and rubbed my temple.

"Is that how you type to eachother?" V asked. "Sort of, yeah." I answered with a chuckle.

"Btw, got a promotion @ BigHit^^" I sent with a photo of the badge. "OHMAHGARD" Hikaru sent. "Why was there no lunch in my bag? :c" I sent. "me = hungry." Hikaru sent.

"ur always hungry." I sent. "Tru, but u got to make a eat jin ep bc of meh!" Hikaru sent. "Touché, anyways gotta blast." I sent and shut my phone off.

"Sorry about that, she's just a really big fan." I apologized to  V and he nodded. "It's fine. Anyways, what do you want to do?" V asked and I brought my hand up to my chin. "I don't know, anything is fine by me." I answered.

"(Y/n)! We need your help!" Jungkook yelled and I sighed. V and I ran up to the rest and saw that J-Hope's hand got stuck in a vase. "How did you do that?" I asked while snorting and J-Hope laughed nervously.

"Doesn't matter! Can you help, please?" J-Hope asked. "Can I break the vase?" I asked and Rap Monster nodded. I hit the vase with my elbow multiple times and it broke eventually. "Thanks." J-Hope sighed in relief and I nodded.

"Next time, don't try to put your arm in a vase." I said and he nodded. "Why did you even do that?" Jin asked. "We were going to roleplay and this was supposed to be my gun, but it failed." J-Hope answered.

"Why don't you try a water bottle for gun?" I suggested and J-Hope grabbed a bottle of water. I got another message, so I grabbed my phone out, a message from Miss. Hyong, that's new.

"Assistant (L/n), mr. Chairman wants another espresso, can you help?" she sent and I replied with "Sure, i'll be there in 2 minutes." and shut my phone off. "Sorry guys, mr. Chairman wants another espresso." I said and waved them goodbye before going to the coffee machine.


"Oh thank goodness, assistant (L/n). Can you make a espresso?" Miss. Hyong asked and I nodded. "I could show you how to make one, it's super easy!" I smiled and grabbed a cup for the coffee.

"So, you click on these three buttons and put the two clumps of sugar in before the coffee drips into it." I started and Areum -miss. Hyong- nodded. "Then you click on start and halfway you drip a little bit of milk." I said and Miss. Hyong put it on paper.

"When the coffee's in, just put another little cloud of milk and you're done~!" I smiled and handed her the cup of coffee. "Now you try." I said and grabbed another cup for her. "Are you sure?" she asked and I nodded.

"It's easy, trust me." I said and she nodded.


"And, done." Miss. Hyong said and grabbed the cup. "Why did we make two cups though?" Miss. Hyong asked. "The other one is for you." I smiled. "But mr. Chairman-" she started.

"That doesn't matter, you also deserve a good coffee!" I said and she slowly nodded. "Thank you, assistant (L/n)." she said. "Just call me (Y/n)~! Have a good day!" I waved before walking back to BTS who were supposed to be singing to their song 'Blood, sweat and tears' by now.


I silently opened the door and saw all seven of them with headphones on, behind a mic as music played through my ears. I walked to the producer and sat besides him on a chair.

"So.. how are they doing?" I asked to the frustrated producer. "Not that well.. V can't get his lines right!" the producer leaned on his elbows and closed his eyes. "I'll give his lines to Jin.. maybe Jungkook then, since he can't do it." the producer mumbled and I widened my eyes.

"Don't do that! I'm sure he'll make it." I exclaimed pretty loud and the producer sighed. "If he can re-read his lines, i'm sure he won't mess up!" I said and the producer slowly nodded. "Miss. (L/n), go practice his lines with him. He'll need it." the producer said.

"Huh? I meant that the boys could help-" I started but the producer cut me off. "You'll do it, since you suggested it. You have half an hour." the producer said and handed me the lyrics while  I nodded and walked inside where the boys were standing.

"V?" I asked and he took his headphones off. "Producer Ryu told me that we should practice your lines." I explained and V frowned. "We?" he asked and I nodded.

"I'll help you, even though i'm not a singer or anything i'll try to help you with your lines!" I smiled and V smiled back before leading me to his room to practice the lines.

{A/N}: Thanks for reading to here already ^^ Saranghae!

Don't be a shy reader and tell me what you think~!

Ideas and advice are always welcome! And remember, stay alive!

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