6) Loves A Risk

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Chapter 6: Loves A Risk

Alex woke up feeling a mixture of three things: excitement, dread and hunger. He decided that one of these was by far the most urgent, which had nothing to do with the fact that his hotel had an amazing breakfast buffet.

Despite this fantastic display of food, shining temptingly on the silver trays, he discovered that he couldn't actually eat a lot. All he felt was nerves and rather regretted not addressing his other two problems. Over the most delightful pancakes he reassured himself that this afternoon would be absolutely fine, he had nothing to worry about and he could probably handle one of those freshly made waffles.

Scratch that - he definitely could.

She's just some girl, he concluded over bacon. Nothing to stress about. No big deal.

Back in his hotel room, stomach satisfied, he sat on the sofa he had grown rather fond of. He still had to decide what he would wear today and actually get ready and showered. Usually he preferred a shower before breakfast but well... that buffet. Hunger had been crossed off his problems but that dread still niggled away at him. Just slightly. So he did what came naturally; he picked up his guitar and strummed.

He didn't really have any intention of play seriously, it was more just faffing around with chords. And sometimes, if he was lucky, he'd find a song. A tune which just worked, that just... clicked. One that lyrics just fell into place for or that he'd write around.

Genius didn't exactly strike him there and then. Not like when he'd come up Cornerstone or Suck It And See. However, he did find a neat little chord pattern that he could do something with. In need of a little polishing, sure, but it had a good rhythm. He scribbled down notes on the headed hotel notepad which he'd found on the desk. His own notebook was somewhere in his suitcase but rummaging could have made the chords fall from his brain.

Maybe he'd find the words here in London. Okay, he had lived in the capital for a couple years but he'd been someone different then. New perspective meant new sights, new smells. In short, new ideas.

Guitar still in hand, playing a lazy version of Snap Out Of It, he gazed out the window. The view wasn't great - mostly of street opposite. Still his mind always found a way to wander off from reality. Eventually Alex managed to snap himself out of London drizzle and put his guitar back in its case with care, like a parent would put their child to bed.

After a quick sniff beneath his arm, it became clear that he should have that shower. Pronto.


Up early on Saturday morning, a rare occurrence for Lolita which meant one thing: something special was happening.

Or she was really jet lagged. Or just touring - buses were hardly comfort caverns, even on weekends (especially when you were sharing it with five other folk).

But waking in her own bed, she allowed herself a few blissful moments curled up beneath the duvet. That was, until the bliss faded when her schedule of the day hit her.

She had a date. A date with Alex Turner. She still couldn't bring herself to call him just Alex in her head.

Maybe she'd settle for thinking of him as 'Alex Band Guy'.

Nervous with the hour on her clock still in single figures, she grabbed the bag she kept by the door of some basic things she would need. Checking it she threw in some missing items of importance, like a fresh fluffy white towel. One place always seemed to relax her: her pool.

Strictly speaking, it belonged to the apartment building but no-one really seemed to use it. Not as much as Lo anyway.

After she swapped her pyjamas for her silvery swimming costume and tied her hair up, she put on a t-shirt and jogging bottoms over her one-piece. The pool did have a small changing room but she hated the claustrophobic cubicles. She had also learnt not to go to the pool in just her swimwear. The pool was only 4 floors down (seeing as the Lightwood flat was at the top) but after doing it once when they'd first moved in, she vowed never to again. It always made her feel exposed, standing around wearing it.

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