Chapter two

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This party will be fun she said, without realizing who exactly will be there.


Today I turn 16. I'm not a person to scream to the world that it's my birthday, so I tend to keep it to myself. Only certain people know it's my birthday, like my mum and dad. That's about it really. I pretend my birthday is in the summer holidays so no one makes a fuss about it, but somehow Beth always knows. I think that's why she's taking me to this party.

I searched through my wardrobe trying to find my black dress that I had worn only once before. I shuddered at the first time I wore it. I was on a date with Liam. Ew. 

After looking through the clothes again a different dress caught my eye, a better one. A creme and black knee length dress, it goes with a thin black belt which hangs on the back of my door. This dress is perfect, I have just the right make up idea for it too. 

I put the dress and belt on my bed, so i know where it is when I actually get dressed. It's only four, I have plenty of time to get ready. I walked to the bathroom and hopped into the shower, it was cold. I guess mum forgot to put gas in. I washed my hair in freezing cold water and got out and into my lovely warm towel. 

Wrapping myself up in my dressing gown I felt heat gradually get to me, making me warmer. I set out the makeup I would soon be putting on and blow dried my hair. 

After deciding what i will do my hair like a thought occurred. 

What if Liam shows up with that girl he likes so much. What if they're that couple who are sucking each others faces off. 

I shook my head at the thought, Liam wouldn't go to parties. Throughout the whole two years when we went out, I don't think I ever saw him once go to a party. I doubt he would start now. 

i curled the tips of my hair making small locks around my head, when i had done that it was nearly 6. I'm shocked, I thought i was only ten minutes in the shower. I guess i wasn't. 

Putting on my dress and belt I sighed looking into the mirror. The face that looked back at me seemed sadder then usual. I attempted to smile but the figure stood there still looking sad. I sighed, I really need to lighten up. 

I put on foundation and concealer to hide away any freckles that were noticeable. Then I put eyeliner on making small wings on the corner of my eyes, and to top it off black mascara. There i think I'm ready, i've done my hair, makeup and I've got dressed and had a shower. 

My phone flashed at me, saying i have a text from Beth. I opened up the text and read it. 

i cannot wait for this party! Are you excited now?!

Beth is obsessed with parties, I guess it runs in her family. Her mother was a partier and her mother before that and her mother before that. Guess you could say they have their own little generation of partiers. 

Yeah! Do you reckon it will be fun?

I text-ed back, knowing she would reply instantly as she is never off her phone. 

ugh, yeah. It's a party, it's gonna be fun and there will be boys ;) 

I laughed, shes the one that needs a boyfriend not me. 

Finally you can get a boyfriend! ;-) 

I checked the time it was half 6, another half an hour to go. 

Yeah, maybe. If my mum doesn't find out. Are you okay to come down now or..?

she text-ed back, I sighed as i typed. 

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