15 AA Questions + 3 Bonus Questions

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ShadowSword71 Told me to do this so I will.

Tags: Skye_CherryBomb_21 Nimue_Crazy_707 Lord_Logan_Strattus

1: Favorite AA Game: Trials And Tribulations And Spirit Of Justice.

2: Favorite Case: Turnabout Revolution, And Farewell, My Turnabout.

3: Favorite AA Character: Phoenix Wright, Ema Skye, Datz A'rebal

4: Favorite Pursuit: Wanting To Find The Truth And Cornering Together

5: Favorite Objection: PW 2016 

6: Favorite Reminiscence: False Relations, The Girl's Lost Memories, and Wandering Heart

7: Favorite Character Theme: Bobby Fulbright And Simon Blackquill

8: Favorite Killer: Dane Gustavia, Aristotle Means.

9: Hardest Case: Turnabout Revoultion And Rise From The Ashes.

10: Favorite Breakdown: Dane Gustavia and everyone else

11: Favorite Ability: Revisualization

12: Favorite CE Theme: Investigations 2

13: Next Game: Investigations 3 set in DD And SOJ

14: Best Hairstyle: IDK

15: What will come out of the panties next?: Don't know, Don't care


16: Type of playstyle: I just play it like normal. I don't mess up once and then restart like my brother.

17: If I could could revive a victim: CLAY TERRAN. 

18: Least favorite case: The Monstrous Turnabout

19: Evidence that I never understood: Attorney's badge. 

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