Part 7

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  Qrow returned to the table after ordering two shots of the strongest liquor available at the bar. He pulled up a chair from another table and sat down beside Ruby, across from Roman. "Alright, Ruby. You've got 30 seconds to convince me not to kill him right here."

  "Please, Uncle Qrow, don't kill him!" Ruby began to speak very quickly. "He's changed and he doesn't want to be a criminal anymore and he's actually super nice and sweet and I really really like him and--"

  Ruby was cut off by Qrow. "Breathe, kid.  I'm not going to kill him, I don't want to go to prison," Qrow said to Ruby. "However, I might just tell Tai about your new 'boyfriend'." Qrow glared down at Ruby with an expression of disapproval.

  "Please don't tell Dad! You know how he is!"Ruby pleaded.

  "I'm just joking, kiddo. Your father and I aren't exactly on the best terms anyway. Wait right here, Torchwick and I are going to go talk outside. We'll be right back."

  As Qrow and Roman stood up, Roman gave Ruby a few Lien. "Order yourself something, sweetheart." he leaned down and kissed Ruby's cheek, fully aware of the death glare he was receiving from Qrow. "Are you cold? Do you want my jacket?" 

  "I'm okay, but thank you." Ruby tilted her head back to smile up at Roman.

  Roman followed Qrow outside to a screened in porch. He shut the door behind him and before he could blink, he was being slammed against the wall by Qrow, who had lifted him off the ground by the collar of his jacket. He felt his breath leave his lungs upon impact. He gasped for air as his brain started to process the current events.

  "Tell, me, Torchwick, why you thought it was a good idea to even think about touching Ruby. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't knock you out cold right here." Qrow spat.

  "Because she was suffering! She couldn't bear the pain of losing her friends and her team, and it was torturing her! How was I supposed to just sit there and let her cry her eyes out? Before I was swallowed whole by that Grimm, sure, I probably would have ignored it, hell, I might've even enjoyed the fact that she was suffering but not now. Nobody deserves to feel alone and helpless like that. Not even the girl who was a thorn in my side for a year!" Roman snapped.

  "That still doesn't give you the right to groom my niece for sex! I swear to the two Gods I will kill you, Torchwick! But it won't be quick. I'll make you suffer for a while." Qrow growled.

  Roman blinked, trying to process the words that had just come out of Qrow's mouth. "You think I'm... grooming her for sex?" Roman started to tear up at the accusation. "Mister Branwen, I swear on my life, that is not my intention. I care about Ruby with every cell in my body. I would never harm her, emotionally or physically. Not now. Before The Fall of Beacon, I would have loved to. I'm not the same man I was before, why can't you see that?"

  The scowl on Qrow's face remained as Roman spoke. "Because you're a piece of shit. I'm not going to fall for your manipulative games, Torchwick."

  "For once in my lifetime, I'm not trying to be manipulative. I'm just trying to make you see that I would never hurt her because I love her!"

  Qrow blinked in shock. "You what?"

  "I love Ruby with every bone in my body. She's the most precious thing I've ever seen. Her smile and laugh have the power to bring me out of my worst moods. She's wonderful, and I'd be an idiot to ruin her."

  Qrow dropped Roman to the ground with a thud. "Go. Go be with Ruby, before I change my mind." Roman scrambled to his feet and headed for the door of the restaurant. "Oh, and Roman?" Qrow stopped Roman for a moment before he went inside. "Don't get too comfortable with her. I'll be watching. I'm not going to approve of the relationship, but I'm not going to intervene unless Ruby's in danger. Then, you'll be dead." Qrow gave a sinister smirk. Roman nodded before continuing into the restaurant, followed by Qrow.

I Need a Place to Sleep (Post-Timeskip RoseWick)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora