Chapter 1- Skylar

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The woods were thick as I stumbled through them, breathing heavily trying to avoid the undead people running after me, hungry for my flesh. My machete hung from my makeshift belt, smacking against my legs as I tried to navigate through the leaves and branches. I couldn't see anything but trees, and more trees. I was beginning to think I was never going to find someplace to hide. There were at least over a dozen of them, more than I could handle at one time. A gunshot had attracted them, somewhere off in the distance behind me and I was the lucky bastard to be in their path. My sister and I, that is. She ran off in another direction assuming they would chase after instead of me. Man, was she wrong. Only a few stragglers had veered off after her, leaving me to the rest of the lot.

I look behind me and see the undead gaining on me. I pick up my pace and search desperately for a house, a shack, a god damn hole to jump in. The moans of the undead grew louder as they grew nearer. I was beginning to wheeze, it appeared I'd been running for almost a hole hour.

Finally, off in the distance, was a large crick. I ran faster, faster than I ever thought I could, putting distance between me and the stinks behind me. I jumped down off the muddy slope and dived under a tree that had grown out of it, making a small hiding spot. I doused myself with the mud, attempting to hide me smell.

It worked, as each stink tumbled off the slope into the shallow water, they seemed to sniff around and head for the opposite direction. I tried to calm my breaths before I had a panic attack. I peeked out from beneath the overgrown roots, searching with a keen eye for anymore stinks. Feeling it was safe, I climbed out and made sure my machete was still on my side. I took a quick look around and decided to proceed in the direction my sister, Jackie had gone.

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