The Last Evil Queen pt.2

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Mira was evil.

As evil as ever.

She had fully succumbed to get mothers influence and was building an empire for herself.

She poisoned wonderland. Took over many kingdoms and even stole a destiny. Soon Evere After,Queen Snow's castle and a bunch of other kingdoms were all that was left.

One day, deep within the dark forest,a hiding Cora heard of her daughters evil success. But Cora's heart had died many years ago, so instead of being proud of Mira, she was jealous.

Mira was planning her invasion of the Sleeping Kingdom when her mum arrived.
"Hi queenie. So taking the Dark fairy's destiny wasn't enough, you just have to enslave her kingdom now that they are awake," she said.

"I learned from the best," Mira smiled "Now what do you want. If you came to celebrate with me the party is in an hour. We can catch up then. The guards will show you to your chambers."

"My Chambers??" Cora asked.

"Well of course. You are my mother after all" Mira smiled.

"Thank you for the invitation dear, but i only came to instill fear, in you. You see I am your mother which gives me a right to everything you own. So hand over your throne. I should have become a poet." Cora chuckled to herself.

The love and compassion Mira had held onto was close to its dying point.

"Mother. It was you who forced me onto this dark path, who told me everything i needed was here, who made me loose all my friends and marry a man I love who used to love me. It was you who told me to build an empire and conquer everything, it was you who made me give up my dream. And now you want to take the last shred of twisted joy that I feel away from me. You did all that just to strip me of it? I don't think so!"

And with that she blasted Cora into a wall.

Coughing,Cora emerged.

"Child. I am your mother, and without me, you would be nothing. So quit your whining and be a good girl."

"That's where your wrong Cora, I am not your child!!!!"

And with that the super powerful Mira, sorry The Evil Queen, blasted Cora thought the glass doors of her balcony.

Defeated, Cora lay on the balcony.  Bits of glass surrounded her frail, pale skin.

The Evil Queen Cast protection spell on the castle, to protect it from her mother, and the magnetic force of the spell threw Cora far far away. And she wouldn't be back anytime soon.

The Evil Queen was satisfied and smiled at her victory, while casting a spell to fix her window.
But at that moment Mira felt a pain in her chest as the reality of what she had just done struck her. She had blasted her own mother. Twice.
And she was ready to feel all the heartache in the world.

But instead she felt powerful.
At the time she didn't know it but, the last shred of goodness in Mira had died. In fact, Mira was no more. As the pain faded away it left The Evil Queen. Who had rather enjoyed vanquishing her mother.
She was proud of herself and she left her attack plans and went to the dining room to celebrate her victory on her own. With pride.

While The Evil Queen was overcome by that feeling that nothing could go wrong, HG and co. Crashed into the building and after a short battle, trapped her in the mirror prison.


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