part 2

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"Didn't realize you were so touchy." Jax's voice sounds like it's coming from nearby. Seconds later I feel breath against my neck, and jump away.

"Didn't realize you were such a waste of space. You seemed promising." I shoot back, not looking at him. My legs just keep carrying me up the stairs. I just want to get away from him.

"Ouch." He replies, faking offense. "What's up with you? No need to get your panties in a bunch. You seem kinda down."

"Wow, what a great people reader." I reply sarcastically.

"I'm known as mister nice guy, it's true." He pulls a hand through his hair, messing parts up. I sneak a glance at him. If only he were nicer, he'd definitely be one to watch.

"Uh-huh." My voice comes out flat as I trail one hand on the railing. Then I stop and then turn around. He nearly falls into me, but stops just in time. "Why are you following me?" I ask.

"Remember, Sarah, this is my house, and you're just a guest." He emphasizes the word guest, ice penetrating his tone.
His dark brown eyes, a very different color to the rest of his family's, look into mine as we stand face to face on the stairs.

"Sienna." I reply. "Sure, Jackass. Whatever you say." I can't keep a smirk off my face as I turn around. We were standing too close, and my heart is pounding with fury.He doesn't say anything.

"I thought you'd fight back." I continue matter of factly, turning around to look at him.

"You're not worth it." He responds. "I spend time with girls that deserve my time." A smirk curls around his mouth.

"Gosh, Jackson. I'm wondering why any girl would want time with you. You suck." A grin flits across his face, but then disappears. His eyebrows had shot up when I called him Jackson.

"Jax." He corrects, amused. "You're a downer." With that, it's as if he'd pulled a trigger. Raw emotion seeps through my stomach, mixed with a pit of fire.

"You don't even know me. All I know about you is that you seem to have a problem with the idea of me. Maybe it's because I'm super hot and you feel threatened." With that I stop, smirking. "Probably because you bang everything that comes through the front door." His face slacks, the shock he's feeling is visible.

"Not true." Is all he responds, seeming slightly lost for words.

"Tell that to the next blonde that walks through this door. Which, I predict will happen really soon." I smirk. He's making it too easy.

"Don't be too offended if I don't believe a word that you emotionally unstable person says to me." Physically, I'm off balance. Luckily I catch myself by reaching for the bannister. My smirk slips off my face, only to be filled with a wavering frown.

"Right. I'm emotionally unstable." I reply, shaking my head at him. "You're such a jerk. What does your mommy think?" I know it's stupid, but I pull the mommy card. His turn to look slapped in the face.

"Don't say anything else." He growls, a fierce look on his face. I'm not sure what changed, but he seems much less playful and now full on threatening.

With that I walk up the stairs. I can feel his eyes on me as I walk into my room. They're drilling right into my skull.

Once I get out of his field of sight, I immediately fall down onto the bed. Even that one encounter has thoroughly tired me out. What's wrong with him?!

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