Miss you

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Kelly Kelly and Kaitlyn are best friends. When Kaitlyn and Dolph Ziggler Kelly's brother go out they keep it a secret . They have been going out for 4 and 1/2 months . But, when Kaitlyn finally tells her best friend Kelly her and Dolph's secret . Kelly dosen't want them to be together because Dolph is a big player and never can commit to a relation ship. She tells Kaitlyn to stay away from him but, it was to late Kaitlyn fell in love with Dolph. Kaitlyn breaks up with Dolph. Dolph was shocked he thought Kaitlyn was the one and he Misses her bad. Kaitlyn misses him just as much. Her and Kelly are still best friends . Dolph and Kelly don't really get along like they use to because she made Kaitlyn break up with him.



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